
Dude, don’t. There are plenty of valid reasons to make jokes at their expense, not at the expense of an extremely marginalized group who is at risk for being victims of violence. 

I think they mean how hypocritical liberals can be in their homophobia by posting stuff like that, because LOL, isn’t it funny that Trump sucks Putin’s dick (which is implying clearly that it’s gross, which makes it homophobic).

Yeah, and the election of Trump has made it crystal clear to the rest of the world that yes, America is not the shining beacon of justice it has always presented itself as, and is, in fact, a racist country found on racist ideals. Any other BS defenses of a country that passed an apartheid law in the last week?

I used “Israel” and not Israelis, so work on your reading comprehension before you jump in with your knee jerk reactions and defense of an apartheid state that regularly imprisons and harms children. And yeah, Americans are racist, considering the fact that their country was founded on genocide and chattel slavery,

For real. And as for the “don’t hold the people of a country responsible for its government’s actions” BS? Who is electing these folks to office? They can GTFOH with this bullshit.

No, they are also hostile specifically to black people.

Google is free. I said what I said, as someone who would qualify for Israeli citizenship based on birthright.

“Generalizations”, except, there are 5 separate news links that show this is anything but a generalization. I said what I said.

It is suspect. Israel is openly hostile towards black people.

Thanks! And sorry you had to deal with such gross harassment. 

This is an obvious troll, so please dismiss all responses. I’m flabbergasted as to how someone like this even escaped the grays. 

Because at the end of the day, he’s a white guy (Jewish people can also be white, don’t @me), and has benefited from white supremacy. Why would he bite the hand that has fed him very well? 

Please stop engaging this troll, and dismiss all responses. Thanks.

Please stop engaging this troll, and dismiss all responses. Thanks.

This is a troll, please don’t engage and please dismiss all responses, thank you. 

Please dismiss and stop responding to this troll who never should have been let out of the grays in the first place, thank you. 

Why do you keep letting obvious trolls like this out of the grays? 

Fuck off, rape apologist troll.

Yeah, and I really feel bad for him because he is just a child. 

If the extent of meanness is that they “moved” their neck while talking to him, and not fawning all over him like the white girls do (more treating him like a pet, but you know what I mean), then Sherri’s an even bigger dummy than I thought. She is failing this child.