I was actually one of the first people who found Braasch’s info, and I had encouraged people to contact her board members. I got banned from Twitter within 24 hours after that.
I was actually one of the first people who found Braasch’s info, and I had encouraged people to contact her board members. I got banned from Twitter within 24 hours after that.
She’s one of those lifelong professional students, you know, the kind that collect degrees but don’t actually put them to use in any helpful manner.
I usually agree with you too, which is why I was disappointed to read that. I do completely agree that it is a massive failure that AAs have yet to be compensated even a penny for 400 years of chattel slavery while other groups have gotten something (basically a pittance), but scraps are just not good enough.…
Nope, you’re a hotep who decided to make this a dick measuring contest by perpetuating racist tropes. Now enjoy the bed you made.
I see you’re just a garbage human being with poor reading comprehension then:
First of all, that bullshit trope about Native Americans not paying taxes needs to die:
What’s unfortunate is sometimes people are able to relate to and humanize more with historical figures rather than their contemporaries. I agree that they should absolutely also work with communities and actually speak with families affected by police violence, but this also gives a good un-whitewashed history lesson…
Or... Muslim women are not a monolith and some who voluntarily choose to wear a niqab or hijab are doing it as an act of their religious devotion. Others wear it simply for the privacy it affords them. I don’t see you criticizing nuns or Christians, but people seem awfully quick to assume all Muslim women are being…
I completely understand the cynicism and no, I don’t think a day trip to the museum is going to undo actual centuries of oppression, but I think the NMAAHC is one place where a lot of these men, who have probably never thought of racial oppression and white supremacy as a structure, will have to confront the ugly…
I don’t know why anybody is surprised about Indian American guys erring on the side of conservatism. This is how they’ve always been: they uphold patriarchal standards because it has almost always directly benefited them.
Nah, this is either somewhere in North Riverside or Forest Park, but definitely Cook county. There is a LOT of uneducated white garbage here in this area, and his accent is that of a drunk.
Please stop responding to this racist troll.
This guy is a racist fucking troll, you should have never let them out of the grays by responding to them. Please dismiss all responses and send this piece of shit back to the grays where it belongs. Thanks.
It’s a neighborhood bar, not a club. Most places will throw you out the second you start undressing. Stop making excuses for a shitty, violent asshole who has multiple priors, including assault and robbery.
Nah, just see your homophobic ass for what it is.
Right, calling you out on your casual homophobia by mentioning his HIV status is totally virtue signalling. You could have said what you just did to Mage but that would mean you’re not an asshole. Condescend to someone else about “contributing to a conversation” by not punching down, asshole. Get fucked.
What does his HIV status have to do with this, you shithead? I did read the fucking article.
What are you on about and how does this relate to the story you commented on?
I mean, really shouldn’t expect any different from someone who refers to children as seeds.
GTFOH with your “feminist” bullshit. For too long, white women have not only supported white supremacy and upheld it, but they have been the perpetrators of violence against black bodies. They have not been held accountable. EVER.