That’s what I mean! Even people with two left feet can dance along to that. Unity, not division!
That’s what I mean! Even people with two left feet can dance along to that. Unity, not division!
I have no idea. I guess they’re trying to pander to Libertarians to vote Republican.
Except, the armed guard/deputy present outside the entrance during the school shooting did absolutely nothing. So there is no such thing as a “good guy with a gun”
Also, let’s just go ahead and dispel the BS myth about how a “good guy with a gun” could have stopped this from happening. Because there was an armed guard who just stood outside the entrance while 17 people were being shot.
Gary Johnson. I thought that goofy ass idiot was hiding out in Colorado...
Let’s be completely honest, the NRA doesn’t give a fuck about any grieving mothers, or sisters, or daughters or fathers or brothers or husbands. They give a shit about guns, getting money from Russian oligarchs, and making sure they keep their stooges in Congress keep voting down any sort of common sense gun control…
Yeah, it’s hilarious how she keeps bringing up “Chicago”’s black mothers. St Louis has double our homicide rate, and MO also has little to no gun control. Funny how they never talk about gun violence in St Louis though...
Yeah, I saw. It’s been following around for a couple days now. Edgy edgelord needs a new hobby.
Yup! Exactly this. But she’ll never fix that wretched mouth to say the whole truth.
She’s not wrong, but you also know why she didn’t expand on why there aren’t more black mothers crying on TV. Simple answer is misogynoir.
Does doing the Thriller dance count as a choreographed routine? I thought it was just proper etiquette and paying homage to an all time great.
K, but Chicago’s grieving mothers have organized and having been putting in the work to get guns out of the hands of gangs in the city.
I can eat my body weight in Doro wot. I’m just sad I discovered Ethiopian food 5 years ago.
You don’t know what I do outside of this website, and I absolutely will not be nice to shitheads who leave me repeated hostile comments (which I dismissed, which is why you don’t see them) because they can’t be bothered to do a little bit of fact checking and critical thinking on their own. Whether you “agree” with me…
Russians also targeted The Root and tried to buy ads on here, btw, yet somehow, most of the commentariot here didn’t fall for it:
When you don’t have a real leg to stand on, might as well cook up some bullshit to try and undermine the credibility of the other person, I guess.
It is indeed. My mom makes bomb Jollof and I needed an excuse to see her anyway, so I may be having some tonight.