
Except, it’s not just tweets, but entire groups created to boost the Sanders and Stein campaigns, and purchased ads:

Someone else pointed out “has anyone checked to see if this was the same shotgun in both incidents?”

He’s as much an opportunistic grifter as Jill Stein, it’s just his stans are much more vociferous and blindly devotional in their support of him.

What’s especially funny is he completely contradicted himself in another interview he gave just a day or two ago.

Yeah, coz cops never ever plant evidence on people, right?

$hillary is Obama’s stooge, don’t you know?

Not before they smear every Democratic 2020 candidate while pushing Sanders towards yet another unsuccessful presidential campaign.

Yo, tell me about it! The same socialists (usually Bernie Bros) insist racism and misogyny will disappear if capitalism is banished. They will say anything and everything to absolve their complicity.

Is there going to be another post about Bernie Sanders playing the same game?

You misunderstand me, and perhaps it’s the way I phrased things. First of all, these lands belong to Native Americans, there really is nothing that needs debated on this. They are still fighting to retain a claim to their own homes, so restoration of their rights is part and parcel of fighting colonialism and

There is no “honest mistake” when it comes to purging minority voter registration rolls. This is 100% deliberate and GOP favorite tactic.

It’s also the first movie in a long time that shows black characters in a positive, aspirational light.

Your hatred of Wisconsin is hardly irrational. It’s brimming with good ol’ Midwestern racism

Dinesh D’Souza is a fetid sewer rat felon. Simon and Schuster needs to stop giving this asshole a fucking platform for his hateful views by publishing his books.

Considering Wisconsin has been actively and systematically denying minority voters the photo IDs they needed to vote, campaigning wouldn’t have done a fucking thing to change the election results.

I got into it with some hillbots who kept blaming black people for not “turning out for Hillary like they did for Obama” (which, bitch, what? Blame your white 53% sistren). Black voters overwhelmingly showed up for Hillary, both in the primaries and the Presidential election. But with the Voting Rights act being

Considering it’s the best Marvel movies to date, with a fantastic cast? Yes, absolutely.

Now playing

All I can think about when I hear the Mission Impossible theme is this video:

I only made it 15 minutes into La La Land. It was one of the most insufferable, up-its-own-ass movies I’ve seen in a while.

For some reason, one factor I have not seen being discussed as to why black voter turnout was down in 2016 elections is voter suppression and gerrymandering. Do folks not remember how black voters were basically being turned away from the polls that year?