
He made millions for his school and hundreds of thousands for his coach. He at least deserves not to be in debt because of his attendance at Michigan State. 

I know why they make white people go nuts. Envy. I know this because I am a white person who wishes I had any chance of looking good in a tan suit.


But you have time to read and comment on Lifehacker articles?

Agree with Pat’s & Genos. Go to John’s Roast Pork for a 5x better sandwich and half the line.

I know it's not geographically correct, but I think he's right.

Clinton was the worst democratic candidate selection in the history of the Democratic Party. She, while brilliant and incredibly qualified, had 0 electability left by 2016.  The Party got what it deserved. Don’t thrown the blame for her loss at Bernie. 

That baby ain’t rocketing anywhere, my friend. As recent a recent new dad, the best advice I got is once your wife starts contractions take her to a diner or order take out(if the timing is right) because you have plenty of time (like at least 8 hours) before she gets to sorta real labor and then about another 4 hours

Thats the deal Kuch claims it was. Ortiz said it was 3k with a % bonus depending on finish.

There is no proof that 5 k was agreed on beforehand. Kuch claims it was. Ortiz disagrees. Not sure why you assume Kuch is correct. 

In the linked, article it explains that Ortiz thinks the deal was different. 

No, it doesn’t it says what Kuchar says the deal was. Ortiz is claiming the deal was different.

Relax, son. The caddy has contract law on his side too.  Disagreement on terms with no evidence yet provided.  What will a court do?  Look to outside evidence and if none then custom and tradition?  Did I mention this court will be a Mexican one? Good Luck, Cooch. 

Stop paying tolls and tipping, now!!

Go help you boss win 1.3 mil in a week and see if he is appreciative enough to give you less than 2% as your pay.  It is insulting.

You are reading it wrong. Ortiz is claiming that he would work for a base pay of 3k with a % of the win on top of that. Kuch is claiming it was 4 flat. No proof of either way. Custom says that % of win is usually close to 10 %. Not sure why you think he should be happy with 1.5%.

Kuch was employer. He should have had a contract to protect himself.  Now, it is a battle of he said- he said in Mexico with one party being a miliionaire American and one party being a working class Mexican. I would give Kuch a not so good change of winning.  He should just give the guy the 130k instead of paying his

There will be lawsuit and Kuch could easily lose. 

Courts sometimes do.  See Palimony.