The more I learn about this guy the more he sounds like Patrick Bateman, with a fastball instead of a trading desk. Being smart is more likely to be the cause of being an asshole than a defense against it.
The more I learn about this guy the more he sounds like Patrick Bateman, with a fastball instead of a trading desk. Being smart is more likely to be the cause of being an asshole than a defense against it.
I think you guys who have learned to ID this poster should explain it to the rest of us as a sort of PSA. Trolls are just part of the site, but the trolls who star their own replies ...
Is ‘lavender clog’ another term for ‘beard’? Asking for a friend in Kentucky.
Madoff only went to prison because he swindled rich people.
“Some rob you with a six-gun, and some with a fountain pen”
I watched it recently (sitting on the floor,clinging to the furniture) and just muted it whenever anything but actual climbing was going on. He has done some other climbs that are even worse than that one but as long as he’s not encouraging anyone to emulate his actions I can’t fault him for his choices.
Well... it IS Clarence Thomas, who has been a lost sheep without a shepherd since Scalia died.
I thought ‘size’ was by definition something that could be measured and ‘ infinite’ was by definition that could not. And... I’m back to my previous observation.
Do they call that the Rodman Rule?
Yep. But even Jon Stewart who’s not technically a media guy could make President Manbaby pop a gasket in about five minutes. And I believe that nothing gets under Trump’s skin faster than a woman who stands up to him, so maybe Harris is the person to debate him on a national stage. Of course my hope is that he’ll be…
“The ignorant, the uneducated, and the simpleminded people”... that’s their entire subscription list, and the majority of Trump’s die-hard, fact-averse base.
The first mainstream media figure that comes out and responds to one of these tirades by saying “Mr. President you’re a liar, an idiot, and an embarassment to the country” will have my undying admiration for all time.
I lived in Lexington KY for decades and one of my major frustrations was to see great college players get taken high in the draft by teams that had no chance in hell of seeing a playoff game for years. This is why I am so happy to see Cousins playing for the Warriors even if it’s only for a year. Also I now own four…
Does that go above or below the “To Serve And Protect” logo?
We’re losing the War against Christmas!
Wow... somehow that sounds familiar.
Except that Drew would at least make the whole thing humorous, and acknowledge/emphasize that he was being a shameless idiot.
I think the new generation of fans probably follows players they care about more than teams, unless they happen to live close to a city that actually has a team. I know I have resigned myself to accepting that as soon as I start following a particular team they’re almost certain to get rid of the guys I actually enjoy…
That is an Alex-Jones level conspiracy theory.