
Something doesn’t sound right about the phrase ‘firmly obese’.

If I can find a way to get a two-million-dollar salary bump for a job that requires me to work once every five days for nine months of the year they can slander my entire family non-stop for a month.

“Do not watch the Knicks for any reason besides Mitchell Robinson...”

I’m surprised they didn’t get Devin Nunes to oversee this ‘investigation’.

I’ve always believed that if these Hemingway wannabes were true sportsman they’d be going after something that could shoot back. Like, preferably, each other.

It’s also a test of just how much utter bullshit Trump acolytes are really willing to swallow. The tax bill was bad; they never managed to repeal the ACA; Kim Jung-Il is still merrily developing nukes; the Middle East peace deal Kushboy was supposed to oversee is nowhere near happening; the wall isn’t going to be

Or what if he had declared a national emergency in order to bypass McConnell’s obstructionist ass and get a hearing for Merritt Garland? You could certainly make a case that interfering with a president’s right to appoint SCOTUS justices is far more of a national emergency than what is happening at the border.

It’s really weird how that smell lodges in your brain and can’t really be compared to or confused with any other smell.

Two comments... I spent 35 years running  kitchens in fine-dining restaurants and the only thing that was as bad as Valentine’s Day was Mother’s Day. And for album art the early Yes albums with the Roger Dean artwork were great. (I think he also did some covers for an obscure funk-type band called Osibisa.)

That’s okay... when I observed that the main difference between Jimmy Carter and Trump was that Carter quit cultivating nuts once he got elected, nobody thought that was funny either. Good thing I am not relying on my comedy material for an income...

Well, ummmm... my thinking was that new shoes would be more fashionable and therefore ‘smarter’. Maybe I should have thought about it a little harder.

And then he’ll want to bill the government for the naming rights.

Aphasia. Common in stroke victims, the senile, Alzheimer’s patients. 

I wish they’d talk more about the real national emergency, which is that we have a senile, sub-literate, compulsive liar as President.

I have shoes that are more intelligent and articulate than Alex Jones. Not new shoes either.

That’s why he’s so desperate to make this into a thing; he is facing some very expensive court cases/judgments and there are only so many idiots out there who will buy his back-hair-growing cream or whatever it is he shills.

Trump’s dealmaking skills are so good that after another shutdown Congress might vote for money to tear down the barriers that are already in place.

Like McConnell claiming he thinks Trump will sign the bill but only after he reviews it... while Trump is busy whacking balls into his new golf simulator and waiting for Hannity to call and tell him what to do. 

On the other hand, if Trump IS impeached and removed from office, it may give Preacher Pence the chance to turn the entire country into Gilead.

Funny how fucking ignorant people sound when they trumpet their lack of knowledge about human history between the 12th and 16th century. Thanks for playing.