
Make lasting bonds and bitch and moan and make ironically racist jokes.

Yeah, they see it as a feature, not a bug.

That's awesome. I'll give it a shot but also looking forward to your Firefox version!

I was driving down the highway and went around what I though was a black trash bag only to realize it was the biggest snapping turtle I've ever seen, as big around as a trash can lid. It raised its head in anger at my car as I zipped by, ready to snip off anything that crossed it.

Mmmm, raspberry tort reform.

AVCers, it has been a privilege posting with you.

So that would be the "fire" in A Song of Ice and Fire"?

My dad's middle name is Lee.

I've been out of the loop last couple weeks. Have they posted these promised instructions on "claiming" a kinja account with your Disqus one yet? It sounded as if your old comments would be linked to your new Kinja. Because if so, I already have a Kinja account for Monkeylint and
I'm hoping I can get that merged.

Somewhere in alt.sci.skeptics in the summer of 1993, there is a post from the James Randi replying to my comment.

May I recommend Espolòn. Excellent value for the price, probably the best around at the price point. Very well regarded.

Good on you. Too easy to get carried away or sink into bad habits, and you do what you need to do to avoid it becoming a problem.

We moved from our house to the temporary apartment while our house is being repaired. I packed only the essential bottles, which was still a box and a half and occupies 2/3 of a double door cabinet in the kitchen.

I was at the beach with family all last week. We're all normally fairly light "a couple to a few drinks a week" drinkers, but when my family gets together, it tends to amplify our drinking—not in a "dear god, get me through this" way, but more a "hey, it's an extended party" way. Then multiply that by "beach drinking"

About to shuffle off this mortal coil with the coming of Kinja, amirite???

After 8 years, I've adjusted to a flattop electric range in our house after having gas in most of my apartments. But the one thing I miss is my big-ass hammered steel wok I bought from a no-name shop in NYC Chinatown. That just doesn't work on the range, not enough point of contact to get it hot.

If it's on an ancient Indian burial ground, they have to disclose that.

A month after the fire, permits have been secured, estimates have been worked out between the insurance adjuster and the contractor, and reconstruction on my house begins Monday! The project manager says 4-6 weeks, so we may be back in our house under the original 3 month estimate!

Kind of got lost in the shuffle what with Worst Cheeto failing to condemn actual literal Nazis, but how about that demand from the White House for info on people who visited a Trump protest web site? That's fucking chilling.

Not only have you gone two years, but you have inspired others here with alcohol problems to embark on their own sobriety. That is inspiring. Great work.