

That's no fair, Lord Baltimore's mum had it first!

I'm thinking those bare plinths could use new statues. Melt them down and reforge them to honor the Great Crab, Mr Boh, and Justin Tucker's leg.

Tiny hands can't hold the wand. Sad!

About time we ripped that one up too.

Firefly: Jayne
The Expanse: Amos

I recently ate at a TGI Friday's for the first time in years because me and the family were displaced to a hotel for 2 weeks and it was right next door.

Ship's log. We jettisoned X tons of Y cargo at Z coordinates. And if it matches, you have a claim

That pavilion went up so fast. I assume the wood was completely impregnated with highly flammable mutton fat from years of feasting.

Yeah, I couldn't quite remember if they'd decided, but that sound right. But if they're at that farm where The Hound robbed the man, they're still in the Riverlands as that was on the way to The Twins.

The Hound is still in the Riverlands with the Brothers Without Banners, but if Berric and Thoros of Myr decide that the Lord of Light wants them up at the Wall to help defend against the dead, seems likely he could end up there.

Ha! You said "driftwood"! You admit it! I'm submitting this conversation as evidence.

Well I'll see you in Admiralty Court then!

Yeah, they're well equipped with pretty armor and those big plumes on their helmets, but except for Blackwater where they rode in alongside the Lannister cavalry in an utter one-sided slaughter of Stannis's surprised forces, they haven't done much fighting as far as I can tell. The Lannister forces are

House Tyrell haven't suffered battle losses, but that also means they aren't battle-hardened. And the house has been decapitated with no heir and no future with the explosion of the Sept. Olenna is formidable, but she's old. Tarley took Jamie's offer to lead the Reach if he defected, so presumably many or most of the

Yeah, she's made it clear several times that she wants Littlefinger here because of the Vale's heavy cavalry. The wildlings and the Watch have none, Stannis's were wiped out by Ramsey, most of what Jon scraped together were wiped out in the BotB, then Ramsey's were destroyed by the Vale's.

No, she never spoke to Ned. She was with her sword trainer when it all went down, and the next she saw Ned was from afar on the execution block. I don't know that the Watch guy that got her out of King's Landing would have know about Littlefinger or even told her if he did, she being so young.

Wow, deep cut! (pun intended) Respect.

Definitely a cheese danish.

I assume in place of a penis, it's some sort of squid tentacle.