
The technical team is "driftwood." "Flotsam" is specifically floating cargo that has been unintentionally lost overboard due to wreck or being swept off, and is legally claimable by anyone who finds it if the rightful owner can't be identified. "Jetsam" is cargo that was intentionally dumped, usually to save the ship

The drowning ceremony granted him another 5 levels in Barbarian, so he has all those extra hitpoints, armor class, and rage bonus to power him through the fights.

2 wrecks in 2 years commuting when I lived in Cleveland. Bombing down a huge hill onto an intersection filled with ice and road sand in the winter is treacherous.

Nope, not here, those serious commuter bikers in the full gear are worse because they're armored by their feeling of smug superiority over the drivers.

They blow stop signs all the time around here because they don't want to lose momentum. It's infuriating.

I see kids (by which I mean 20-somethings) not wearing helmets in DC traffic and the dad in me makes me want to roll down the window and yell at them to wear their helmet.

*gasps, clutches pearls*

Silver Diner is a Maryland based diner chain. I've eaten there in the past, and it was your typical faux-50s diner with the chrome and the jukeboxes and the neon, and the standard fare. I'd rather just go to the run-down legit greasy spoon I like in Wheaton (Nick's Diner).

You can't tease costume and not tell!

Mamrie is one of the long list of comedians I discovered through @midnight. She's one of the show's all-stars.

Bryan Fuller wants "sexy and vital" Klingons? I hope this means Kristin Chenoweth is playing one.

A note that says, "I'm not mad, just disappointed."

I'll still give it a shot.

Definitely worth looking for a used one on Craigslist or something if you can't afford it new. They last forever.

I have practical experience with this!!

Aww, he made a whole account just to post that rambling, incoherent screed. Adorable.

"Sony knows we down to get motherf—ing paid globally." —TJ Miller, speaking about The Emoji Movie to The Hollywood Reporter.

Polyphonic Spree - "It's The Sun" is the most joyous song I know.

Not your fault. Our lives are just so disrupted right now that it's hard to plan one day to the next

Why did I think you were a DC person?