
Also, many guys look at their parents as role models - and in my case - with my parents - my mom took care of 5 kids (!) kept us all alive and feed and my dad came home from working and earning the money to keep us alive -but was he involved in our daily lives .....not so much. I think some men see that pattern in

Actually.....not so much. Mary Magdalene has the reputation of whore but its not supported by gospels. Actually a Pope started this shit about her as a hooker and so she has been seen throughout the ages as a "fallen" women. There's no clear evidence she was a hooker - but boy does gossip stick through the ages.

More like “ I successfully avoided UNINTENDED pregnancy thanks to PP”. That’s what she so ineloquently meant.


OMG milka!!!!! and I love their cookies. Fairways had them for like a week - not sure where they went - now I am sad.

you are the most evil Grinch ever:)

Wow that outfit is very unflattering - the costume wrinkles make her look like she has loose skin on her tummy. But now she has $2M to go fix it.

Real housewives - wives of "rich famous men"? What famous men? you’re not watching the same show I see - none of the husbands are famous and some are hardly rich. The only famous guy was Scottie Pippen for the short-lived Miami franchise.

Fire this fucking bitch’s ass! For fucks sake - a joke gone too far???? In this political climate! Fuck this harpie - fire her immediately. She has no place educating children.

Yup, now officially scared of both South African and Italian judicial systems!

Neither of them come out looking good from I read above (and I can only imagine there is more shit they did to each other). I was always told by my mom and dad “you never hit a lady” when I was a kid - I had 2 sisters, but these two appear to have equally escalated the fight that lead to her going to the ER . Do I

Jesus Christ! Sorry to hear that about your mom. That's just cruel and vindictive to take in your abusive ex-husband to spite you.

you sound like a lot of fun:) We should hang.

you just sound like a complete tool when you make these banal anti-men comments.

Thanks for that enlightening comment - scintillating stuff indeed.

How did you pull that shit out of pie hole? Wow, you’re like the Donald Trump of Jezebel - never let the facts get in the way of your great story that all men are unapologetic rapists.

Calm the fuck down! If she wants to shut herself off from men that’s her perogative - of course it is. Everlong81 just offers her thoughts - and she was polite and not haranguing the person - unlike you who is being a total fucking a-hole about it.

she didn't dismiss the person's feelings - she just asked that she not shut herself off from all men. Jesus, at least she was trying to be somewhat helpful, even if it didn't come out right. But you - you just had to be a total asshole and go for the throat - didn't you? You are such a treasure. And you are not the

Yes, but in a nice way because I don't want to kick her when she's been dealing with breast cancer. I'll be bitchy but only when its a fair fight<G>

LOL, you made me laugh - because now you are comparing the relative merits of two rich entitled white ladies that cook on TV. LOL LOL LOL