
Yeah, I think he’s saying that if he named names of other people’s abusers the other people have no reason to come forward and press charges since the statute of limitations has run, so he would be the focus of any law suits.

The way we continue to treat the people who have been brave enough to come forward is a good way to discourage people who haven’t come forward. With the way the statue of limitations works there is a massive risk that those who do come forward are still in the industry and therefore will lose their job safety or their

Tyga owes his ex-girlfriend Kylie Jenner $2 million, but he’ll probably never pay her back. Why? Because he’s dead broke!”

The problem with what you are proposing is that readers will never learn how to identify sarcasm if it’s always made explicit for them. Words are fun, nuance is good, and being able to figure things out from context makes communication richer. Lutkin has had some odd tonal moments (The Peanut Gallery at Shade Court

of course not. the sarcasm is pretty obvious. lots of people write comments that end with ‘fixed it for you’ and I find it very obnoxious. I can handle getting mean tweets and being told I’m a garbage person, but I dislike it when people reformat a sentence like I should be glad they put words in my mouth. I’m sure

not really

Dude, missing American grocery stores is a real thing. There is literally nothing better than going grocery shopping at a giant Meijer’s/Kroger’s/Whole Foods/whathaveyou as soon as you arrive back in the US. Tesco Metro just is not the same.

My main take away is that Kylie's make up doesn't translate well to TV.

Cars should come with tweezers. They should be standard.

chapstick and tweezers

Rocks, used kleenex, and wine corks. I may be makeuping wrong...

Indeed. What make tits real?

Why is he allowed to show his nipples? Man has boobs and he's not trying to breastfeed anyone so I see zero reason why this is ok if it's not ok for me to let my natural God made breasts out.

I’m one of those people who always thinks that, say, Paris Hilton is a secret Mensa member or Anna Nicole Smith was actually getting a PhD in anthropology and her whole act was a cultural experiment. So, you know, I’m probably being too hopeful here.

They don’t have to be... But I think that only host cities that have succesfully* hosted before should be in the running. Spend that money on strengthening the standing infrastructure rather than expecting it to prop up a corrupt government. Anyone who wants to enter in the running going forward has to begin the

Have you seen Amanda’s husband? I’d rather fuck a jug.

This bitch is exactly how I imagine my former best friend talks about me and my depression. She never reached out and then when we got together she would complain that all I ever did was bring the group down. I begged her to invite me to things because my postpartum depression was keeping me isolated and lonely. I get

“Here you go Kim, at 4pm est, write the below.
I’m legit in the airplane bathroom—gonna take a pregnancy test because I’m having a little bit of a scare. So. No big deal.....but now I know thanks to @FirstResponse protien shake!”

A way to promote Clear Blue without really having to get preggo? I figured she’s get paaaaaaaid.

the scare was that she wasn’t getting enough attention.