
Civil War II. I’ve defended a lot from Marvel, but I’ve seriously considered putting my CW2 books in the trash can.

Huuuuuge She-Hulk fan. Got complete runs of all her Byrne-and-upwards series, with Dan Slott’s stint being my favorite incarnation.

But I avoided this one because grimdark Shulkie isn’t something that interested me. But...but now, I’m kinda tempted.

Any long-time fans have an opinion? (Sava’s tastes on spandex books

I’ll give Recognitions the benefit of the doubt here. Jen has generally been known as the “fun” Hulk character, but now that Bruce is dead and Amadeus Cho is more of the “fun Hulk” with his role in the Champions team, Jen has been kind of stuck with this PTSD premise. Not that I think this is an inherently bad thing;

A woman Bond would be fine, although I’d prefer a prominent woman 00[insert #] agent who could show up in a Bond film as co-lead and become the basis for a true Bond spin-off series of films centered on her. Have they ever tried a Bond spin-off series before?

after FINALLY watching ex machina this weekend, he could be a cool tech nerd villain maybe?

I’ll just leave this here for some of The Greys:

It’s comic book canon. Stop being such a whiner.

They are ashamed the war has become a public spectacle and hurting the family name.

The NYT did this dumbass writeup about what Independence Day meant to people across America (lol ok). I’m not going to link to it because it’ll just piss everyone off for the rest of the day. I’m beyond people equating patriotism with the military and more than beyond people refusing to see the parallels between

The fact that his contract demands for the fight included an RV* with very specific decor should be concerning.

The fact that his contract demands for the fight included an RV with very specific decor should be concerning.

What he lacks in style and technique he makes up for in a superior corner team, fashion sense, nicotine intake, and incomprehensible gibberish.

There’s no purchase agreement that I could see. What lawyer would take up this case?

I think you missed my point.

“Also, I didn’t even like Migos but “Bad and Boujee” is a good track.”

You’re repping some corny ass, mumble-mouth, scrubs

She is also well-known to be difficult on set, an alcoholic with a temper and a history of DUI’s that make her a risk to hire (and the cause of some job losses in her past) and Fast and the Furious offered her a path back to audiences by bringing her back into the franchise when she’d been written out. Sooo I think

It’s not a great power play. I want her to get more, but putting it out this blatantly on your instagram, that’s how you get your character killed. And permanently this time.