you first.
you first.
February 14th, 2020, (Valentine’s Day) Elon also bought $10m in shares of Tesla for MORE than what it was at peak today. But Twitter and this article’s author are 10 Second Toms, brainless amnesiacs who have no sense of context.
Or we think brilliant people who earn wealth thru the merits of their work, deserve to be defended from the moronic.
February 14th, 2020, (Valentine’s Day) Elon also bought $10m in shares of Tesla for MORE than what it was at peak today. But Twitter and this article’s author are 10 Second Toms, brainless amnesiacs who have no sense of context.
it’s actually missing a necessary hyphen. Techno is a music style, a noun, while techno as a prefix to spy, requires a hyphen. The comma is unnecessary and technically incorrect.
tepid - adjective
“Since it’s an iPhone, you won’t have to worry about network compatibility as they’re all designed to work on almost any network globally.” BAD ADVICE. Sprint locks their iPhones. Look into it.
“Since it’s an iPhone, you won’t have to worry about network compatibility as they’re all designed to work on…
Also, can we agree Twitter if full of things you should not take as canon?
And Spiderman had a Macy’s Day parade balloon for TurkeyDay, Your point again?
Winter Soldier > Black Panther, and that’s sort of been the new benchmark of “great” in the MCU.
it’s pretty great but honestly falls apart by the killing off of Klaw, and that whole underwhelming CG fx fight in the Vibranium mine. the premises you spoke on, were actually intrinsic to the Reggie Hudlin run, how the ritual combat played a huge part in deciding the Rule of Kings. If the Wakandans had been portrayed…
still can see Coogler taking on a SW film, and making a great saga movie, which would be a feat in itself right now. Wouldn’t be mad at that
Bus riding editor’s opinion vs Billionaire engineer’s visionary prototype.
Only on i09 msg boards & Twitter, it’s the court of public opinion.
gotta play that victim card. it’s not about being a horrible, trite reboot concept, c’mon now, it’s 2018 America. blame the misogyny/racism Patriarchy-Illuminati.
Not to be that guy, but didn’t ‘97-00 jdm Integra type R engines do these numbers naturally aspirated...about 20yrs ago...?
actually, any place this has happened has this sort of policy. i lived in Baltimore City for yrs and a place called XS had to put a off duty cop, in the front of the lower level exit because of the shear amount of times it happened every week, especially on any seating with multiple checks.
Jimmy Kimmel is not funny anymore and a tired hack, just another Daily Show host at this point. Just what everyone wants, another celebrity who’s obsessed with the president and complex issues which he wants to soapbox about.
if you’d written this for the Onion, I’d probably think this is some great stuff.