sorry but “is” and “is in talks....” are two completely different things. with Wrinkle’s RT scores and current BoxOffice Mojo standings, I don’t think DuVernay will be directing anything for WB anytime soon.
sorry but “is” and “is in talks....” are two completely different things. with Wrinkle’s RT scores and current BoxOffice Mojo standings, I don’t think DuVernay will be directing anything for WB anytime soon.
should’ve given her The Forever People.
Is it too much to ask for a “Kurt in an English bathtub scene?” Prehensile tail wrapped around a steaming cup of tea, and a lovely witch girlfriend Amanda Sefton hopping in? A full blown melee sword-fight set on an inexplicable boat, with 20-30 stuntmen trying to cut his fuzzy ears off? A fastball special?!!
This iteration of Xmen characters will be forgotten very quickly...agreed, Sansa Grey is not a winner for me either. To her credit, her American accent is very good.
i really can’t help myself, but I hate Hoult’s Beast & Kodi Mcfeeschmit-krautenhemmer’s Nightcrawler. Two of my favorite blue fuzzy mutants all time and both actors botch their characters tragically. Zero “Oh My Stars & Garters”, zero Errol Flynn feel to Kurt.
And honestly, Simon Kinberg is a trustworthy professional that Feige & Disney, have worked with for years. I’d think Kevin would want his vision for a total clean slate version of the Xmen. I’m hoping they start with young It actress, Sophia Lillis for an MCU Jean Grey.
Captain Marvel is like the ‘Antman’ right now. Gets a mention, and thennn back to Black Panther/Wakanda & Xmen/Fantastic Four rumor mills. If it doesn’t stand out, I’m guessing they’ll relegate her to several teams, give her a solo movie, and another solo know, just like the comics do. It will likely be…
That was my best guess estimation as well. Mutants/Xmen in the MCU just won’t be happening til 2022 & Phase5, at best. F4 (& introducing associated villains for the Avengers- Kang, Anihilus, Doom, etc) has to be on the plate at this point, but by labeling F4 as Untitled project, they can move the position around based…
oh WE know the names....of the characters that every single one Liefeld ripped off to make his “own” teams from.
....and Thanos murdering Vision, most likely.
why did they ever phase that out? that’s such a good nuanced character flaw. She’d be like the ‘John Carter of Mars’ of Marvel
& why is she talking as if Ms Marvel is her repressed alien fantasy persona being unleashed?
very Norman Rockwell...
I’d really like to think the GLC won’t be some origin story shortcut, but it might have to be. We easily could have John Stewart & Guy as the buddy cop aspects, and have Hal be known as a legendary figure who’s taken his absence from the 2814. Have some “history lesson” aspects about Hal & Sinestro being his…
Not to be that guy, but didn’t ‘97-00 jdm Integra type R engines do these numbers naturally aspirated...about 20yrs ago...?
I want a website dedicated to record Uber drunk-dial rides. My ex and I got put in one of these situations and took a 45min ride from DC to home, after getting locked in a garage next to the restaurant/bar we were in. It was well worth the $130, to not have to check into a hotel until Monday.
it’s why I’m psyched about movies like Venom from Sony, or the scifi-horror movie dark takes like New Mutants seems to be. We get more than the Disneyfied version of comic adaptations. Red Sparrow (potentially), Atomic Blonde, Hitman’s Bodyguard, John Wick & JW2, Life (was like Alien meets Venom in space) all are…
goddamn yes. If not for the General and Doctor Poison, I’d have been disappointed in WW. DC films have villain problems, WB: please address this. How do you have the best villains in your universe in the 1st installment of your movieverse? Zod & Faora, best DC villains so far, followed up by Ludendorff & Dr Poison.…
Love Wiig, many times over from roles and bits she’s played. I have ZERO idea how to take this news. Like, ZERO. Part of me thinks about Batfleck and Ledger castings, part of me thinks about “cats on car trips” memes. I dunno.