
Spin off just being a term for taking existing characters & theme, and making it a thing. I’d probably be more interested in a female based version F&F at this point, then just the over-saturated A list action stars muscling in on it now. A parallel themed movie, that she spearheaded would play, while a take

This is what I don’t understand:

i’m not even coming at you man. i was only pointing out a different aspect point of view. and to a degree, agreeing with your points and grievances, but you lost me with all the insults and such.

They actually left because it was cheaper elsewhere like retirement in Florida, or in my uncle’s case, he moved to SouthEast DC just by the Capital to invest into a home everyone told him not to buy, because it was in a black neighborhood.

“I wouldn’t blame airbnb per se. Brooklyn has been gentrifying for years unfortunately. As white people continue to be priced out of Manhattan they head for areas of Brooklyn that are Manhattan adjacent...” I’m just going to put this out there, but my entire family is from Brooklyn (aunts, uncles, mother, deceased

Slow clap starts

“a poor man wears everything he owns” comes to mind.

if white people were inherently violent, everybody in the country would be dead af in hours. you wouldn’t be watching The Walking Dead, you’d be living it. stupid racist comment right there, but hey, you’ve probably been on the receiving end of stupid racist comments for years so i’m not judging, just pointing out

Denny’s are there to be urinated on anyhow.

I actually side with the dealership here. We live in a “pay-to-play” world. She should pay up $1200, get a private mechanic who understands her actual use and stop getting in disputes celebritized over Reddit trying to develop a fanbase to degrade the dealership (who you know will likely get deaththreats and shitty