“...there are plenty of examples of the quality of care being much lower in other countries...”
“...there are plenty of examples of the quality of care being much lower in other countries...”
Digits just flicked back to zero on my “Milliseconds since international disgrace” counter.
Nah. A normal, functioning politician or celebrity would hire people to do that stuff for them, to consider “the optics” and make sure policies and tchotchkes don’t collide. Trump can’t be arsed to hire people to do the work, or worse, he personally picked someone “loyal” a.k.a. someone wildly unqualified, stupid, on…
Go, ACLU, go!
Wow, just, wow. I knew Trump’s always about the grift, but it takes grifter balls of solid titanium to offer up a Pride t-shirt for sale in the same week as granting the “‘religious freedom’ for healthcare providers and insurance to tell you to f*ck off if you’re LBGQTA+”. No doubt the old adage about never crediting…
It’s hardly news that the man is illiterate. What’s with writing in marker?
Lately, we seem very interested in helping this sudden upwelling of people with “religious beliefs” that just happen to align with shitting on marginalized people. Would love to see a Venn diagram of those “religious beliefs” folks with the ones making the Southern Poverty Law Center’s hate crimes tracker numbers…
There’s the thoughtful statesman bringing to bear the weight of years of study, a nuanced knowledge of Constitutional Law, the circumspect insight into both human nature and the game of politics...
Personally, I’d settle for performative acts of terrible fashion as a nice lil vacation from #*@&! “religious freedom” laws and conversion camps, but yours is an excellent end-goal. Spoiler alert, we won’t even get performative acts.
Everyone at the debate should be required to wear the pride tie or wristband. Not comfortable with that? Aw, see you next primary, maybe.
Someone with an MFA in creative writing (from a great school/program) cut my hair at SuperCuts once. Pretty much torpedoed my dreams in that direction, as I’d be lousy at haircutting. I still want a Ph.D. in Mythology. Figure I can do oil changes at JiffyLube with it or something.
As cruel and twisted as this all is, I appreciate for the magical power of “Jingly Keys!” it is proving to be.
Says the guy using an image of the monster, but a name referencing the monster’s creator.
I think it’s less “good” and more “awareness that it could be even worse.” Do we have a nice, concept-encompassing portmanteau word for this? Like standing somewhere around lebensmüde, but peering even deeper into the pit for some damn reason.
You make an excellent point. While my brain was shorting out trying to conceive of all the good things one could do with a billion dollars (I can’t count that high and there are so many worthy causes), I forgot to factor in the part about BEING EVIL, which is, of course, fundamental to how one gets and keeps a billion…
Nah. It’s racism and the criticism of baby’s first dictator. She’s educated, thoughtful, and critical of the nonsense that the orange turd has been pulling, i.e. OMG, she’s not kissing his ass. Also brown and a woman. Can’t “reward” any of that with human dignity.
Meanwhile, imagine being an actual billionaire, seeing this mess, and thinking, “Starving children? Nope. Dying wildlife? Too prosaic. Bookmobiles, cancer treatments, homeless shelters, elder care, education, the Innocence Project, adopt-a-fucking-highway? Naaaah. This, right here! I literally cannot think of a single…
Oh? Neat.
I’d pay good money to watch as random consumers tried to make their own electronics, thermoformed plastics, etc. It would be kinda like Mad Max meets Gilligan’s Island, but, spoiler alert: coconuts aren’t conductive and the continental U.S. doesn’t have them anyway.
Yep. I’m a professional writer with a migraine, and my dyslexia is worse when I’m tired (Last week’s eye exam was humiliating, not because of my vision, but because I could feel my brain tripping over itself as it tried to read a random string of letters aloud). Worse, I avoid reading the tweets or listening to the…