Bad luck? No, bad strategy. Google botched this pretty badly by wasting away their initial momentum. The half-baked approach just doesn't work here.
Bad luck? No, bad strategy. Google botched this pretty badly by wasting away their initial momentum. The half-baked approach just doesn't work here.
Totally right there. Shock is the right term.
They removed so many good things that I'm better off going site to site to make posts. This hobbled piece of junk is a sure sign TweetDeck is dead...move on. And why does the Chrome version only support Twitter and Facebook. There are others, right?
Would seriously be thrilled to try it out...
Good thing I roll my own. No chemicals, no butts, no pictures just good old tobacco. Those sticks made by Philip Morris and the like are pumped full of additional "flavor enhancers" that are actually a lot more harmful than tobacco itself. And they taste like a gorilla's dingle-berry.
As far as I am concerned, as an American that is, this is actually a boon to industry here. The US has several rare Earth mines that have been shuttered b/c the Chinese were overproducing causing a drastic drop in price. Now that they are being smart about how they use their resources, instead of what pretty much…
Well if you have allergies as bad as mine to the point where I become susceptible to other diseases, it is certainly worth it. To never buy a 200 dollars of anti-histamine every year again is awesome. And to never have to become anxious about the coming spring and months of never going outside, so happy. I don't think…
Find an allergy specialist, get the dreaded allergy test and undergo allergy immuno-therapy. If you have insurance it should be 100% covered because it is damn near 100% effective.
Sorry, nobody with biceps like those is anorexic. She eats her protein for sure ;)
Gosh, there is so much bad information going about. Thank you for this post.
Having worked in Home Theater at a big box electronics store I can attest to the fact that a large minority of customers really suck bad. I've dealt with screamers, criers, fraudsters, drug dealers (paying for a $2k TV in tens and twenties), Napoleonic-little-men, dirty-stinkers, and many more. Fortunately there are…
Makes a lot of sense. However, we aren't the only endurance hunters. Wolf packs and other canines use the same tactic. They "jog", perhaps at a slightly higher speed, after their prey until they are too weak to keep trying to get away.
@LaziestManOnMars: They might not hit the ground as hard but birds are quite a bit more fragile than those of us limited to terra firma. They are also smaller so that blunt force isn't spread across a surface.
@XIGODMODEIX: Energy is indeed transferred from the air to mechanical to electricity. The jet stream feels this energy transfer in lost velocity (for those air molecules) and turbulence. However, given the overwhelming force of the jet stream, I would guess that the effects of even a farm of turbines would have…
"Could Wikileaks really deliver the disclosures about UFOs that we've awaited for decades?"
@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: IMO humans are a part of nature. We aren't beating nature, no. We are upsetting the status quo. The consequences of such disruption are what nature, us, will have to adapt to or parish.
Getting rid of cable did more than just help me find some great media alternatives. It also reminded me how great it is to just sit and talk with someone for a few hours instead of hopelessly channel surfing the cold silence. Entertainment in moderation folks.
It just seems odd to me that Americans don't seem to even bat an eye when it comes to government rifling through all sorts of "private data", phone calls and locations. But as soon as they can see your willy its all over damnit!
@Winston Smith: Globalization...some of us have to travel for a living and a boat from New York to Tokyo isn't going to cut it.
"But, this whole set-top-box streamer market would be out of business if people would just get over the stigma of having a computer in the living room. All these boxes are doing is sneaking a computer in the backdoor."