
@KineticRocketFireBalls: Umm, intelligence maybe. Intercepting communications and passive tracking. You just can't do this to American citizens without some evidence to get a warrant. Might as well put redcoats on the CIA and station soldiers in our homes.

These days crossover cables are used on highly secure routers where configuration can only be administered by a tech standing next to the router and is plugged in through a crossover cable. Or, if you a crimper handy, you can strip an Ethernet cable and reorder the colored wires to a crossover configuration. Most CAT5

So who is working on getting there? Anyone?

How old is this Red Dwarf? Can one even know?

UFO does not equal interstellar alien. They could be highly advanced weapons being tested on some of the most secure facilities on Earth, US nuclear silos.

@wbouille: Those ships and subs are a drop in the bucket compared to a full scale power generation site. Also, those vessels have proven redundant systems where failure always leads to permanent containment (i.e. meltdown causes the core to seal itself in). Russia's track record for following worst case scenario

@Benedinho: At that kind of energy the possibility of the proton tunneling (quantum tunneling not drilling a hole) through your hand is there. However, if it happens to tunnel through the first particle it meets it could still collide with the next particle it meets. Not sure of whether there would be an explosion

@daewootech: It always has and always will be, "something". Today it is hardcore porn. This is probably b/c of the puritanical attitude of Americans take towards sex. The more you try to repress something, the "harder" it gets.

Can anyone explain to me why MAC filters are not effective? I use a Permit scheme so only people that are in the room with me can get access after I get their MAC. Does this leave my network vulnerable?

@ZanipoloLebron: Most of the Hydrogen on this planet is in the form of the diatomic molecule H2 (easier to understand if you use the subscript 2 but it is generally understood). The diatomic molecule of Hydrogen is two atoms (nucleus and electron) in a covalent bond. This means the electrons are shared across both

I should buy beach property along the Arctic. Someday I or my descendants would make bank when those lands are warmer. Read: It is too late to stop global climate change...ADAPT...and try not to make it any worse b/c Venus style weather sucks for vacation rentals.

@3choTh1s: The simple fact is that Apple doesn't make anything for tech savvy power users. The masses who prefer to think their gadgets are magical instead technologically impressive will, erm...might, purchase the AppleTV instead of building their own small form factor HTPC that will save them money over the long

Please just tie me to a rock and dump me in the ocean or just leave my corpse in the woods for all woodland creatures to enjoy.

@Arken: Agreed...I couldn't read the rest of the article after seeing that. The author needs to head to a general goods store and pick up one of these old timey thermometer things. They have liquid metal in them...and double rainbows

@Luke Forester: Huh? Nobody with shareholders and very well paid executives is just trying to survive.

You see, the importance of of having thoughts to yourself is to have your own thoughts. Any more now when I look for fresh ideas they are just regurgitated biased mash-ups of what other people have already thought of. Because of this, everyone gets a chance to sound like they are smart when most of everyone is so

@Wi1d: Whatevs...All you need is Lenovo's Multimedia Remote with Keyboard and has been a godsend for my HTPC setup for using browsers from my couch w/o having to break out the big wireless keyboard and mouse.

Ya know what is smaller yet bigger. The cloud. Why should I shell out so much money when I have plenty of cheap storage that I can access anywhere with any internet capable device. Shoot...I don't even need Google to hold my hand to do it either. I've a terabyte of data being served up from my home media server.