Jeez, when is he going to stop trying to remake “Love Actually”?
Jeez, when is he going to stop trying to remake “Love Actually”?
I always remember her from an early episode of Law & Order.
I worked at Victoria’s Secret for years, and my main job was helping women with bras. It amazes me how many women don’t know their own sizes and don’t understand how the band size/cup size thing works. And of all the women who were wearing the wrong size, many refused to believe me when I told them they actually…
I lost 3. Miscarriages are awful. My condolences to them.
O. M. G.
At my wedding, my mom asked if she could have a good friend of hers say a few words after the best man’s speech. Against my better judgment, I agreed. The guy delivered a 5 page speech, 4 1/2 pages of which were in Spanish (my husband and at least half the guests are not Spanish speakers) and most of the speech was…
Mariah Carey was like the typical woman featured on ‘What Not to Wear’. These women always confused too-tight with sexy and didn’t realize that wearing properly sized and well made clothes would make them look a lot sexier. Left to their own devices, they looked like 10 lb sausages in 5 lb casings.
Agree 100%. It did not age well, and the women, especially SJP’s character, now come across as vapid and self-centered and clueless. Or maybe that’s how they were always perceived and it just took me a while to catch on.
I finally sat through the 1st movie recently and kicked myself for giving in and watching it. What a waste. Just let the franchise die already.
In his defense, though, given the size of all the Huckabee men, horizontal stripes would be a definite Fashion Don’t.
Well, it was 27 years ago and so far, so good. As for the guy who gave them to us, not sure whatever became of him. We haven’t heard from him in years....
Yep. The registry was mainly for shower gifts; for the wedding, the majority of the gifts were cash. Of those that were not, the worst was the set of ugly African tribal masks I’m convinced someone had received and was trying to dump on someone else. We eventually dumped them in the trash.
She was absolutely being sarcastic, and she did it beautifully.
I only ever give $$ as a wedding gift.
This is great, I just hope that the people that need to understand the message of the video actually can understand it. When my daughter was in high school she kept getting calls from a boy she'd known in elementary and middle school. She asked him to stop calling, my husband and I asked him to stop calling, and he…
Thank you!! That was a great explanation!
I've never watched the shows in this franchise, but I do enjoy reading the recaps. One thing I have never understood is, what is the significance of the rose? Does he dump the girls who get a rose, or do they stay on to fight another day?
Are you estranged from her because you weren't included in her wedding party, or is there something more to this?
I don't watch this show at all. But I am totally addicted to the recaps!
I have the same question others have posted... could they possibly be channeling their characters? I've never read the book so I'm not sure what their 'chemistry' with one another is supposed to be like. Are they super hot for one another? Or are they unlikely partners (as their pictures would indicate) who are caught…