So he’s happy to have his word bought but streaming with women is a no...
So he’s happy to have his word bought but streaming with women is a no...
Because it’s such a stupid thing to claim, especially when it’s in regards to a Tom Clancy game about the collapse of the US Government and the activation of government-installed sleeper agents that can be given the authority to kill American citizens without any semblance of due process.
If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?
I’m happy to hear I helped! Thanks for reading!!
The sunken cost fallacy can be difficult to shake, even when you know it’s warping your experience.
Oh hey look, another alt-right troll using BAA as the new Vivian James for your hate boner towards Captian Marvel
Stories of people doing shit like this to children make be unbelievably angry.
This goes to the core of my problem with Christianity. Why should I care or get upset about an infinitely powerful being, splitting off an infinitely tiny piece of itself, to send it to the earth for a short period time, so it can be murdered to fulfill an ancient promise and prophecy that this infinitely powerful…
I saw The Passion at age 14 when my Catholic high school bussed the entire student body over to the movie theater to watch it the day after it premiered. Because I was already an atheist and also a wannabe anti-authoritarian punk, I thought it would be funny if I loaded up on snacks and made a running MST3K style…
Flubbed the landing there. Should have concluded with “the only person who got nailed that night was on-screen.”
Mel and Dad belong to a schismatic faction of the Catholic Church who were excommunicated for refusing to accept Vatican II (nominally, over the latin mass; actually, because the Church stopped teaching that Jews are all individually responsible for Christ’s death).
Mel Gibson’s box office-breaking riff on Christ’s crucifixion raked in more than $600 million worldwide (nearly $800 million in today’s money), and, 15 years later, remains the U.S.’s highest-grossing R-rated film of all time.
Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly…
Yeach, it’s a real drag there are studios throwing money at exciting filmmakers and not at all interfering artistically. It was way better when interesting filmmakers could only make a movie if a studio gutted it so much it no longer resembled their movie
Respected buggy whip manufacturer has a few concerns about automobiles
It’s not just vaginas! There was a bodybuilder in my dorm when I was in college who basically only ate meat as part of some weird 0% body fat diet. He was stunningly gorgeous, intelligent, and charming. He got tons of one-night stand tail but could never hold down a girlfriend. Why? It was openly discussed (behind his…
You can pry my bread and tortillas from my cold dead hands. Bury me in burritos.
Why not be cordial? His ignorance and the inability of either his staff or Congressional GOPs to stand up to him have lead to China playing him like a fiddle in these trade talks.
At the age of ten in fifth grade a kid called me the magic word. I said what did you say and in his smug whiteness he said “you heard me, boy.” I reached back and punched him in the nose breaking it in the process. The whiny bitch went to the nurse and I for my troubles was sent to the principal’s office. After…
When a man who was raised by a Klansman, who had to agree to stop discriminating against minorities in his real estate business, who took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the execution of innocent black children, who rose to power on a platform of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia, and who…