“Looks like the most popular choice is to say the episode had no purpose.”
“Looks like the most popular choice is to say the episode had no purpose.”
i think assuming that literally everything that happens in china that you happen to dislike is automatically because the cpc is being mean and evil, with no evidence, is not a good idea
There are a lot of groups who have regularly faced tacitly sanctioned extrajudicial violence from state enforcers for hundreds of years here in the west, and while there’s more accountability being demanded today, its legacy continues unabated. And ask a newly pregnant Texas woman with a period tracking app on her…
“No one’s being targeted for extrajudicial violence or denied freedom of movement over here”
Okay, guys from America or any other country. I hope you understand that this matter is purely a commercial dispute and has nothing to do with politics and conspiracy theories. The impact of this event is not just that players can’t play games. In China, there are a large number of game media, youtube, professional…
I have always been leery of business dealing with China because of their authoritarian regime when it comes online data and am glad Blizzard has chosen to pull out.
I can only speak for myself but... “Portal Fan wants Valve to make the next game before he’s ‘too old to play’ it.”
I didn’t go that way at all, because unfortunately it seems like companies are more worried about protecting people like that than anything else, and seemingly always after the fact.
Can we just acknowledge how incredibly cool it is to release something like this? More of this, please, from all companies.
It doesn’t take a crystal ball to see where things go from here — just a passing look at what happened a decade ago.
For clarity, Buttonville is a municipal airport and is scheduled to close by 2023 or thereabouts but it’s actually one of the busiest airports, measured by air traffic, in Canada. At one point about 10 years ago it ranked the 7th busiest airport with only internationals in major cities handling more volume. It has a…
Felice Leon didn’t ask for an apology. The most marginalized of us don’t enjoy suffering. What I see and hear is the pain of hearing that your home, your life, your experience (long invisible) will be faithfully represented...and it’s not. In a place like Washington Heights, where you see a world of chocolate beauty,…
Lots of comments on here with little regard to experience. The Latino culture suffers from the racism inflicted by white people colonizing the islands and Central America. There is old school beef (DR vs. PR; everyone looks down on Mexicans: Mexicans hate Cubans; etc.). Colorism does exist and it has been a problem…
None of this surprises me. When I lived in New Orleans, I was treated as if I were a golden unicorn because colorism was woven so deeply into the fabric of that place, and when I later moved to New York, it was largely the same. The question was always, was I Creole, Puerto Rican, Dominican, or something else…
When one apologizes, one is not entitled to forgiveness or absolution. If the apology is truly sincere, then prove it by doing better next time. Saying “my bad” is a nice first step but look at the history of race in this (and many other countries) and with a straight face tell me you think that asking for forgiveness…
In addition to what’s noted under “Consider what you’re getting out of it”, it helps to be aware of one particular hard-to-break tendency many people share: the sunk cost fallacy. Sometimes a game doesn’t grab us right away, but sometimes it takes long enough that by the time you realize it, you think you should keep…
I feel so bad for Liana too. She just started at GI not too long ago, and I’ve really liked her presence there so far. And it’s not like she even actually said anything “bad” about the game, just that you might want to be careful. She actually goes out of her way to give people advice on what they can do to keep…
The article says it “doesn’t come with any warning at the beginning.” What you’ve posted is from the EULA. I trust you to understand the difference.
Putting a pin here so I can come back later to see how having a seizure is unfair criticism of the christ-game that is beyond reproach