I presume you realize that the two concepts are not mutually exclusive, right? If the person who cured cancer was racist, it wouldn’t make praising the cure for cancer wrong.
I presume you realize that the two concepts are not mutually exclusive, right? If the person who cured cancer was racist, it wouldn’t make praising the cure for cancer wrong.
This is because the flying mechanic has to balance a sense of speed with actual control over your character. That means that the actual flying isn’t as fast as it seems, it simply has speed effects like the edge blurring and wind effects to make it seem fast while still keeping the movement at a speed that allows for…
This sounds like one of those “internal testers found out that obeying the laws of physics made this game system horribly unfun” things. In this case, accounting for gravity in flight probably led to players repeatedly stuffing themselves head-first into the ground like lawn darts every time they pitched downward.
It doesn’t have to be. Sports/team culture definitely can get toxic, but the good teams and the good coaches that I’ve been involved with haven’t functioned that way. Good leadership can curtail a lot of abusive team behaviors.
bullies always use the excuse, “it was just a joke” when they get called on their shit.
I had a high school coach who thought it was fun to hand out these kinds of gag awards. I remember one of my teammates getting the Big Butt award. Mine was something along the lines of the Diva Award, which I got ostensibly because I was very serious and cared about winning (the reality is that I, as a sophomore, had…
What the fuck is wrong with people?
“How can a nation-state present itself as not subject to criticism? Can you name another state in the world?”
I always liked “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying SouthWest. If you look out the left side of the plane you’ll see Delta Flight 176. Give them a wave so they can see what a full airplane looks like.”
Ugh god. Why not post #notallmen while you’re at it.
Great article, Erik.
let’s not mince words: it’s a men’s issue.
Damn that was an incredible article.
Cheung was a well-known advocate for children’s hospitals
You should! They’re fantastic and beautiful!
Thanks Brian! I was worried for a second there that I was doing too much with my life, but this article really made me feel better about that :-)
The worst part is that the poor guy is actually a skilled actor and did a good job of playing the part, however shitty it was. It’s incredibly hard playing a CG part like that, especially in the early days of such things when there wasn’t much precedent or guidance. And, for all the hate Jar-Jar gets, not much of it…
The creators and writers that came up with Jar Jar deserve all the ridicule. I feel bad for any actor signed up for Star Wars and given a role people hate. Especially the newer/lesser known ones.