
I wish developer BioWare had done something to make them less noticeable and boring than a bar slowly filling up above a still image

I played the demo and I was pretty meh on it for three reasons:

I’m so excited by the casual multiplayer of this. Helping someone out in a mission is the most intimate thing you can do to a lover with your fingers. Other than washing their hair.

I just really want a proper sequel to Titanfall 2, rather than another sequel to Titanfall 1.

Kotaku has been crushing reviews lately. I tapped out of this series after Far Cry 4, didn’t play Primal or 5, and have no intention of playing this game. And yet I read this entire review. It pulled me in and made me think. I love the way it contextualized the series tropes through the game’s mechanics, story and

The sad part is that, on paper, the Activision-Blizzard partnership is a good one. Activision rakes in consistent money which can be used to fund Blizzard’s long-term development, games which have the potential to create extreme profits. And sure, Blizz has been in a rut with only expansions to WoW and Hearthstone and

“Why even try to fight back when there’s a chance you’ll lose?” is not an argument that has ever served anyone well.

So excited for another thread of corporate bootlickers telling everyone, “ThAt’S hOw CaPiTaLiSm Is SuPpOsEd To WoRk.”

Everyone needs to unionize. Everyone. Every single person needs to be in a union.

This is so fucked up and funny. I loved this.

You’re missing a key element here:

2018 Compensation of Top Activision Executives:

And viruses exist to multiply and spread as much as they can, but we don’t just allow them to grow out of control without fighting back.

While our financial results for 2018 were the best in our history, we didn’t realize our full potential.

go find yourself an overpaid executive loafer to lick 

Oh look. A company has to cut fat, yet pay the top guy millions of dollars for this failure instead of sacking his ass.

Honestly all the main gaming subs are infested with this garbage right now. People saw that it’s an easy way to get a shitton of free karma/reddit gold (both of which have no inherent value, but hey, that’s what happens when you gamify discourse) and jumped on the bandwagon.

Nah, it’s more like their rendering farm had 1 machine for rendering this frame that couldn’t connect to the internet and so couldn’t authenticate the license. Square most likely has a legit license and just needs to re-render the frame with the license authenticated or on a different machine that isn’t having the