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    Lol. Maybe. Most of the Asian folks I know are super cool and not religious, but I realize that may not be the universal Asian experience though.

    I mean...I can’t say that I didn’t laugh at this headline. BUT, I’m so glad the family was able to get away from this maniac without harm or incident.

    Chip is a douche. Forever and ever. Amen. I hope all their kids grow up to be extremely liberal and do their due diligence to FULLY EMBRACE their Asian background. I have a feeling they get no education on that at home. At all.

    My people moved to Texas and they could drive to Waco, TX, but they definitely do not. Like, ever. And they are actually fans of the show.

    I agree. At her age though, it seems like that’s a regular thing folks do. His age though? Not so much.

    I’ve had doctors prescribe them for:

    Lol. I agree. I hate Walmart for their labor practices so I won’t stop there. But, when I’ve gone with other folks who run in for things, I am always amazed by how unorganized the store is. It’s like they don’t care what the inside looks like because they know people will buy from there anyway.

    Nah. Walmart has the stigma of “low class” that most middle income and upper income folks don’t want to associate with. I know some middle income people who shop at Walmart and they hate doing it but given where they live, it’s the convenient option. If online food shopping was available that was price competitive

    Whole Foods is cool. I don’t hate them but they are rather expensive for some stuff. Now, if Amazon acquired Sprouts, I’d exclusively shop online for groceries.

    Never. And I again assert that if I have enough time/inclination to care about whether or not you can see my butthole during sex, then the dick is trash. Period. Forever. Amen.

    Someone replied to me about this and said I was wrong and spreading misinformation. I replied to them but Kinja dismissed the post as soon as I entered it so either they removed it or I got Kinja’d. Basically, they said that mental illness welfare calls default to EMTs so I was wrong about the budget cuts and stuff

    What’s happening is that cops are trained like military soldiers and EMTs are, by and large, not dispatched to the scene to help with mental illness welfare calls in many instances. If you live in an area with protocols for that, then it’s more of the standard. But, with budget cuts and companies not wanting to pay

    The OP is the “they” DJ Khaled talks about...

    Nah, in front the of camera DJ Khaled is hype because that’s his job. But, he’s also incredibly humble and above all respectful and that positivity is definitely not an act. His kid will be privileged but not spoiled. For reference, please see any number of DJ Khaled’s interviews with Sway in the Morning or the

    Thanks and I agree. He was there and active. I might not have some of the endearing memories that others have with their father’s, but I do have the life lessons he taught me both intentionally and unintentionally. No snark when I say I love him and appreciate him for that.

    My dad is awesome in a “this is what you shouldn’t do in life” sort of way. That doesn’t diminish the fact that I love him dearly. He was great growing up. He did a lot of stuff he should have done, like take care of me and my sister and was married to our mom for 20 years. Unfortunately, me and my sister both knew

    Kofi is giving him a run for his money (to me). I LOVE a dark skinned man.

    The Y was the business when I lived in Cali. Loved it.

    Honestly, where I go the people don’t play that bullshit. Everyone loves to rag on Crossfit, but the trainers I had were not about the foolishness. The owner used to be bigger and she lost over 60lbs with Crossfit, got her certs and opened a gym. No BS is tolerated. If you can find a good smaller gym, take the time to

    This actually pisses me off hearing this. I am sorry you had to go through this.