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    They both seem like terrible people but her especially. I just remember their reality show and thinking, “how long before they get divorced”.

    People don’t care that she has cellulite. People care because she keeps insisting her ass is real and IT’S NOT. That is why this photo is a ‘thing”. Her ass isn’t even close to being natural/real. It’s faker than a $3 bill and it’s extra insulting because her body “type” is heralded as something to aspire to. I need

    People don’t care that she has cellulite. People care because she keeps insisting her ass is real and IT’S NOT. It’s to even close to real. It’s faker than a $3 bill and it’s extra insulting because her body “type” is herald as something to aspire to. I need the shit to stop.

    I cannot believe I’m about to type this, but I swear her and Paris Hilton did something very similar on their reality show back in the day. I hate that I can recall this, even vaguely. Lol.

    I actually thinks she needs to do the whole counseling thing and get extra real with building her self esteem. I love Mary. She’s definitely legendary. I just want her to make good music AND be happy. Not one or the other. I hope she can find both someday.

    I almost sent my dad a naked selfie meant for my bf who was then in Afghanistan. ALMOST. Thank goodness my phone wasn’t firing on all cylinders because that would have been mortifying.

    Young as in the dress doesn’t make sense for her, then yes. And, my comment is less about dressing “age appropriate” and more about the fact that ruffles are hard for ANY ONE who isn’t 2 to pull off. Especially in a formal setting.

    I think it would be wise for her hairdresser to ease her into a soft bob. Nothing angled and certainly nothing like that James Brown hairstyle that sometimes happens when someone doesn’t know how to cut a bob and then over-curls it. But, something like what Tia Mowry had circa mid-2000s when she was doing promotion

    In this instance, I doubt folks are being racist. If this were a fat white woman who had penned something similar, I think the reaction would be very, very similar as well. I think fat-hate is one thing that cross racial boundaries.

    Legit tears reading that...

    This is important to anyone new to the allyship world. There are a lot of underlying things that we, black/brown people, have had to deal with since the beginning of time. Handholding and doling out “atta-boys” is just a few other things in a long line of things we’d rather to not do.

    You’re right. It shouldn’t call into question your character or motives. However, it did because folks have asked that around here and then it turned out that they weren’t sincere in asking.

    I buy online, but I’d like to buy in the store. The reason I don’t buy in store is because no brand fits me well. Jeans are sized by vanity and not according to actual size. In one store I’m a 4. In another, I’m an 8. I don’t actually give a shit either way, but I’d like some consistency. A small in one place is

    I loved this store. I’m mad they’re closing. Arden B was my go-to for jumpers and maxi dresses of a classy nature. And Bebe was my go-to for more sexy nighttime outfits. I have no idea where I’d shop for this shit now.

    Him saying that isn’t an issue. He could have said she was a great beauty or any else that was a classier than “smokin’ hot” but he didn’t. I don’t find that offensive or somehow creepy. What is creepy is his people inferring that Mayer’s restraint needs to be praised. It shows that he still thinks women are objects

    Yeah. Not the standard I’ve have for my kid, but again, they seemed cool with it. I’m from NE Ohio (not Cleveland specifically) and East Cleveland just has an entirely different way of life that is way outside the bounds of what I call normal. What I do know is they seemed to have been together for a long time and

    That’s how I took the comment as well. I starred some of the others though cuz I’m petty and wanted them out of the grays so I could see the thread unfold. Lol

    Check your fucking tone. I’m Black so you can save the pseudo outrage over any perceived undertones of “privilege talking” for someone else. And, my point is folks lie about using bc all the time. Regardless of whether they used it or not, his mistress is allegedly pregnant by him so his wife should be tested for

    I remember that and that could definitely be why he never seemed that into him. I’m not a Lala fan. I just think that, be that as it may, it’s never fun to be cheated on and it has to be less fun to be cheated on and have the story break publicly.

    Let’s be real. People lie about using contraceptives all the time. There is failure rate but it’s more likely that he hit without protection. Regardless of the case, the side piece is pregnant, so it would be prudent for Lala to get tested. Fin.