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    I’m from a dried up union/steel/manufacturing town and let me tell you, when plants/companies start to close, slash wages or go overseas, it’s time to get the hell out of there. Seriously. I saw the handwriting on the wall in HS (back in the late 90s) and left at 18. Never lived there again. The place steadily went

    I’m with you on this but that’s because I am similar. I don’t think this dude is a rapist/murderer simply because of this text. But, if she’s someone who’s not comfortable with this type of thing or if she’s still figuring it out, then there needs to be a lot of questions asked on her part to him. Otherwise, it takes

    He might be into it but not well versed on the ‘rules’, if you will. A lot of folks don’t visit sites and/or have community to be involved in so they tend to figure it out on their own as they go along. He might be one of them.

    I might be the oddball but I’m pretty comfortable with this. I’m also fine with rough CONSENSUAL sex though. So...that’s my take.

    This. Cheney, Karl Rove and Rumsfeld were the masterminds behind a lot of shit during the Bush era. Cheney especially.

    I would love to move there but it’s too expensive. I’m officially jealous. Enjoy!

    You might be right. No disrespect though...I feel like that is a stupid plan. As much as they all might be terrible people (and they really, really are), how hard is it to put out a bat-signal for a lawyer/politician/lobbyist/whoever in DC (of all places) to write a decent EO that will pass legal muster? If they are

    The whole cast has basically said she’s unhinged and was super pissed that Will was the breakout star instead of her. That lead to her acting ridiculous on set, making demands beyond her billing and ultimately getting fired for doing so. The story is about a kid who moved from Philly to BH. Not the Aunt who took him

    She’s always come across bitter as hell and whatever issues she may have had during that time should have been dimmed by time. The fact that it has not definitely makes me believe the rumors that she’s difficult and maybe unhinged.

    LOL, this made me crack up. OMG.

    I know this is not “nice” but if a man has this trait, it’s an automatic ‘no’ for me on dating. Strong legs? Yes. A nice butt? Hell yes. But, wide hips? No. No thank you at all. Lol. I don’t like it.

    I was able to coach one girlfriend out of her marriage but it took two years for her to really “get it”. Her situation was very much like mine but it had progressed to physical violence. The way in which things happened and how she got to that place was very familiar to me. She was able to be honest and work her own

    Right. I don’t necessary see the previous scenes as rape (and that’s MY interpretation, not telling you that you can’t see it that way), but it’s definitely sex under duress. It’s a form of sexual abuse acted out by two adults trying to regain power over each other. And the sex is just another aspect of an already

    Her character resonates with me for that exact reason. I was in an abusive (not physically violent but still terrible) relationship and the sex is one of the reasons I stayed. The scenes they show do a good job of showing how she sees the encounters in a way that helps her rationalize their interactions (both sexual

    Sometimes men have what I call “lady hips” and if I remember correctly, he does have curvy hips that are usually associated with a woman’s figure.

    She was hit or miss overall, but I usually liked what she did because I liked her color palate (she seemed like love orange and so do I) and taste level. But, when she took that risk and did brown in a room where the homeowner said she hated brown...THE FUCKING BEST. I died laughing and it was the best reaction ever.

    He was the reigning design asshole until Hildi came along. I think everyone longed to get Vern because you knew no matter what, he was going to give you a beautifully designed room. Second place was Genevieve. Everyone else though? It was real hit or miss.

    I hated her but loved the reactions she caused.

    I came here to say this. I have zero issue with an all boys school. Just as I have no issue with an all girls school. As long as the school officials/guidelines aren’t advocating for compulsory enrollment or some other type of mandated bullshit, I do not care. At all.

    I hope she goes full on Sade so she can keep her fanbase and sell out tours when she decides to do them again. But honestly, I’m sort of over this mantra of stars doing everything one can in as little time as they can possibly do it. That works for pop stars, sure. But for someone with real talent, play the long game.