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    Maybe I’m an optimist but I don’t see them as being ugly to each other. Snarky at times, yes. But, not outright ugly at all. They just seemed like an immature couple in how they related to each other at times. Although, it didn’t come as a surprise to me because I followed her on IG and they had a joint page. Once she

    YES! This is very common. My mom had thyroid surgery and about 15 years later had to be put on medication for bipolar disorder. She’s off meds now for that but it’s because she found a fantastic doctor who got her thyroid meds just right.

    They have money to make. If that ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    I agree. Which is exactly why that initial comment was unnecessary.

    This franchise has to be the most ‘Murica ever made. Ever. And it bothers me how much I resisted even watching this series, but now have become a fan. Lol.

    The only groundbreaking thing she was in was Big Love on HBO. I cannot recall any movies where she given anything of substance. I thought her career might go the way of Anne Hathaway, but she seems to be more on the Meg Ryan path. I’m not hating because both career trajectories get paid so...I guess it’s just a matter

    P.S I love you is one I absolutely know is hokey in every way, but I LOVE it. Same with Hope Floats. Lol. Terrible but I love them sincerely.

    Love it. Thank you.

    Lisa Bonet and Malcolm Jamal Warner were the only ones who didn’t say anything problematic. Some folks didn’t like what Malcolm said, but I understood his frustration with the show being pulled because of what it represented. But yeah, Rashad said some pretty disappointing things.

    I haven’t ventured into OPI or Essie yet. But my ex roommate left some ORLY and Confetti (she was a MUA) and that shit is bomb. I did get some Sally Hansen recently for “regular wear” and I can’t lie, it’s not as bad as I thought it would be.

    Small incisions, minimal recovery time and great pain meds. Lol. The first day after surgery was rough because they make you move, as in get up and walk around. It was horrible. But, I got an extra day’s stay in the recovery wing and once I got home, I was good. It took me a week to have a bowel movement (TMI, but

    See, I still enjoy The Cosby Show and A Different World. I will never not love them. For me, it goes deeper. ADW was responsible for a generation of black and brown kids striving to go to college (myself included). TCS showed that black folks did more than just live in the ghetto, hand to mouth. So, he did a lot for

    Now that I have disposable income (so 2016 didn’t suck all the way around for me) I am trying to do better with hair and make up. I have started buying quality nail polish and I cannot believe how much better it lasts. I would just get a manicure but the part of me that was hustling to break out of being broke will

    Yeah. This idea that adults who make poor decisions are somehow the product of bad parenting is extremely simplistic. Everyone is complex and, from what I understand, his mother was a smart, decent, stern woman who did her best to make sure her son succeeded in life. He clearly has issues, but it boils down to more

    I am very sorry to hear about this. And I understand how that must feel. I am happy that you were able to have support to get through it all.

    Most folks don’t know who those people are though. And after looking at their stuff, his is similar. However, from the whole “hobo chic” thing he’s doing with the freaking holes in the clothing, asymmetrical cutting and other “techniques” it’s clear that his particular style is being copied. So on one hand, the

    I have a friend who knows his family (like “for real” knows them). From what I understand, his mother was nice but not a pushover and not some helicopter parent who thought everything her son did was amazing. The reason he was in check for so long was because she was the ONLY one who could and did tell him ‘no’ when

    But, honestly, here’s the thing. I’m not a Kanye fan (personally, I do like his music however). We think his clothes were awful. Sure. However, walk into Express for men or into the men’s section in Forever 21 and their entire collection looks exactly like the stuff he’s put out. So I get his frustration. Either the

    Somali. Not Somalian. I try to correct folks when I can because I worked in that community for years and they HATE that term. Lol.

    Tiffany seems complicated. I am allowed to feel badly for someone who seems to be so obviously discarded by her father. Donald is a horrible person and this just adds to that. Her giving that speech (and him allowing it) was probably the highlight of her relationship with him. But, knowing that she’s not welcome in