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    Oh, the list is generating in the greyed comments here so yeah. I can imagine it will happen exponentially once the film actually premieres.

    Nah. Lol. There’s always the debate about who is the greatest, which usually include: Biggie, Tupac, Nas, Jay-Z, Eminem, the ENTIRE Wu-tang Clan, and Rakim. At least those were the frontrunners when I last heard the discussion.

    I think he was symbolic of a certain era in rap. He was the dude many black men from the streets wanted to be. Hard enough in the streets not to be trifled with (however, he was which ultimately lead to his death), desired by women, had money, power and influence. There aren’t too many men from his walk of life in our

    Not sure why I can’t find the reply button to make my own comment, but whatevs. The dude they got to play him looks JUST LIKE TUPAC. OMG. I was always more of a Biggie fan, but appreciated Pac’s music. I read the autobiography of Assata Shakur, his aunt I believe, and that made me want to know more about his mother

    All the yes to your first paragraph. That’s what I’m not understanding. Folks in the comments are trying to do the whole, “what’s REALLY masculine...who’s to say” BS and let’s get real. As a society, WE have agreed to certain characteristics being associated with male and/or female. That does not mean we are not in an

    See what she was trying to do and agree with your assessment. I just think it failed miserably and sounds like there is some backstory with him that Amy is not being 100% on and Tig is over it.

    Thanks for the info. I figured if you were on there, they’d have to be a legit reason. As in all things, though, what you’d think would be the logical way it’s set up is not the way it’s done .

    I mean, I get it. I understand that, logically. But they are on a terrorist watch list for a reason. And from what I understand, the legislation that was proposed (and not passed, smh) said that if someone is on there by mistake (which can happen) they can take measures to be removed (not sure how likely that is but

    Me saying that Islam is separate from Muslim fundamental extremism is not treating anyone with kid gloves. ANY form of extremism in ANY religion is dangerous. That’s the point.

    Alignment with fundamentalist religion of any affiliation is one of the causes folks use as a shield to hate and express it against groups of people. I mentioned that. You mentioned that Islam in its truest form is not responsible for that and I agree. Affiliation with any radical or fundamental religious sects can

    I can see the point in interviewing parents when a minor commits a crime like this because people wonder what is going on at home. However, this man was 29 years old. Even if they raised him fabulously, he could have formed his own idealogical opinions that differed vastly from his parents. So no, his parents are not

    Indeed. I just added some comments that basically said the same thing. I just was not hearing much in the way of this mess being referred to as a hate crime and didn’t want the “ISIS” buzzword to overtake the fact that a specific type of venue was targeted for a reason. It is both though. I agree.

    After learning more, I think the terrorist label is important, like you say. One of the biggest things I’m hearing is that he was on the FBI’s ISIS sympathizers watch-list so just HOW he got guns and this much ammo is beyond me. This highlights our asinine gun laws and unwillingness for our legislature to act to

    Oh I agree. I just think that first and foremost, this man hated gay people. The reasons why probably have a lot to do with his interpretation of his faith and what it calls for when dealing with “undesirables”.

    Which could be 100% accurate.

    Thank you for that information. Seriously. I have been wondering all morning/day how he could be identified and on a watch-list yet still have access to a gun, assault rifle at that. I figured he would have had to use a fake name or something to acquire the gun and that much ammo, but it looks like that is not the

    I agree. I don’t think his religious affiliation caused his behavior but I’m not sure that it was helpful, esp. if his viewpoint was aligned with fundamentalist teachings (no matter the religion).

    If they’re paid and full and classics, I see no issues.

    LOL. It seems like so much shit has changed since I was in elementary school though. Especially with the workforce. Jobs that used to sustain families quite decently are now barely minimum wage. That’s all I meant.

    Actually, a lot of bus drivers from my day (I’m 36) seemed like they liked their job because 1) it paid decently; 2) short, flexible schedule; 3) summers off or you had the option to work them if you wanted to do summer school in a district that bused during the summer.