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    Yes. I have this friend. The person who if I met as an adult I would never befriend her. However, I’ve known her since we were kids and she’s entertaining. I preface any meeting of her to my SO by saying “she’s a loose canon, and not my ACE so we can deal for an evening.” That usually goes well.

    As someone who LOVES crazy hot men, I can tell you it’s like a drug. You get attached and everything “normal” seems boring. Unless and until she figures out how to live without the drama and begin to set some healthy expectations for herself and others, she’ll pick the same type of dude again. And her ex’s will

    Sounds like you did it right.

    Lol, as someone who joined a sorority, I can’t say that I felt the same way. BUT, once I crossed and got into the actual day to day activities with my sorority, I quickly realized that it was a vehicle for some to flaunt status among those who cared about that type of thing. Sadly, for some, it was a way to be

    I get what you’re saying but the pressure to do exactly as they say, even if you don’t agree, seems like way too much unnecessary stress given the other types of stress that college students have to deal with.

    Who had time for this BS in college? Seriously. Students have classes and a host of other things they could be doing on campus and THIS is what some of them choose? I don’t get it and I AM a member (albeit, inactive) of a sorority. To each their own, but this type of breathing down your neck craziness is usually why

    My current working theory on Donald Trump is that he wasn’t hugged enough as a child and thus satiated his pathological need for attention the only way a man with nearly unlimited resources can: by running for President. In that way, running for President is to the incredibly wealthy and Republican what running a

    I came here to say the same thing. I think had they have casted men as well people still would not have wanted this movie redone. I don’t doubt that douchebags criticized the women-centered cast, but those folks don’t really count (to me, mostly because they suck as people). I think the general consensus is that the

    Lol, I can’t deal with Palm Beach County outside of Clematis street in WPB or certain areas in Boynton/Boca. Once you get super far up (Palm Beach Gardens area) it turns into another area.

    Absolutely. She wasn’t even into it at all. He was super “extra” about everything and she was just kind of there. It was a horrible sex tape.

    To be honest, if you every saw that sex tape that made Kim famous, that sentiment (someone let’s me fuck them, holy shit) was how Ray J came off. She was sooo stoic and almost not even there for it. I remember watching it and thinking how sad she looked and how, even though that was her boyfriend of a few years, she

    Thing is, she’s not a woman (legally 18 but not grown by a long shot). That’s why she went for him. He pretty much groomed her as she was the babysitter for his son. Not sure about his ex and why she went for it but maybe because they were both young. Either way though, women don’t go for boys like this. Girls do.

    Okay, I hadn’t read that far yet.

    Actually, traumatic brain injury is known to effect impulse control rather significantly. TBI can come from many forms (blow to the head via abuse, car accident, fall, etc) and depending on the severity, it can contribute to or exacerbate pre-existing mental and/or personality disorders. So while, that’s not an excuse

    I have several friends from there and know a lot of others who have worked/lived there before. People of all races. They love it.

    If you find out how to send letters of support, I’d definitely be down to write some.

    Yeah, that’s a good advertisement :) I just may though. I know a few folks who live there and they love it.

    From what I understand, as long as it’s covered under one’s insurance plan, counseling for any reason is fair game. The settlement won’t negate the ability for their insurance to pay for what’s outlined in the plan the parents are already paying for. Unless there was some weird clause that insurance couldn’t pay for

    I’m looking at a few countries. While Canada is amazing, it’s cold. I am looking at Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Dubai, Israel (Tel Aviv area, not Jerusalem), and somewhere in Northern Africa (many areas to explore, haven’t been just yet). I’m black so I just want to be somewhere my future kids, esp. sons, will be

    It is one of my deepest fears that I will choose a mate who is as cute as me and somehow the genes won’t sync and we’ll end up with a Prince Charles. Lol. Honestly, it’s not a fear of mine but I can see what you mean.