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    I haven’t heard any of these claims before. If they are true, then of course I feel as though she’s just as guilty. Where did you get that information?

    I am terrified of lightening bugs to this day because they used to get stuck in my hair when I was little. My mom and dad had me young and I stayed with grandparents during the week. Grandparents were awesome but not good with hair...especially mine (I’m black, great gran had “white people” hair and my grandma was

    I didn’t mean to imply you meant/said that. In general, a lot of times stuff like this is a thinly veiled way for an actress or other celeb to say “look at me I’m so hot”. Just saying that, in general, that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

    Because of her fan base being young girls and the unrealistic image of women Hollywood holds up to the world as a “standard” of sorts, it’s good she talking about her former struggles and continued evolution on body image. It’s not like she’s saying “look at how hot I am.” She saying, “I had these issues and I found

    Your client is smart. It is what it is, is not an explanation. It’s a brushoff and that’s exactly why I use it.

    No. Even if she thought he was a bastard, it’s really not too hard to imagine that she’s too close to him to believe this level of depravity is possible. Plus, some sociopaths and psychopaths don’t treat their families the way they treat their victims. So, it’s entirely possible for him to have maintained one persona

    So you mean most of us, right? Lol

    Sure but the article is talking about that specifically, which is why I made that distinction.

    The real issue is they aren’t nice. They want to do the same things they think “alpha” males do and get away with but lack the currency to. Whether that currency is social stature, looks, money or charisma, they lack it, try to manipulate women with the “nice guy” persona and when that doesn’t work, they resort to

    As a man, if you refer to yourself as a “beta male” then I’m confident that YOU are the reason you don’t let laid. Wow....

    Right! That was my same thought. The NW is a big part of the country. WTF you mean?!

    Semi-automatic weapons. FIFY

    Thank you for that information. I still believe assault rifles are a no go for this exact reason. If I want to take out a bunch of folks, I don’t have to be particularly skilled in shooting. Just unlock, point, and squeeze the trigger. Instant shower of gunfire. At least with a handgun the mass aspect of this type of

    Seriously...it’s getting out of hand. The presidential candidates better start talking about serious gun control measures because otherwise this shit will keep happening. I don’t know if this shooter had an assault rifle, but I’d be willing to bet they did. Which is why we need laws to ban these because NO ONE NEEDS A

    I just blocked my ex again from social media. I unblocked for a very specific reason that I needed to get in contact with him for. Was not calling because I changed my number. Was not emailing because I blocked him there too. We gave him the info he needed and in turn, he took the opportunity to eek out a shitty

    Hell yeah they could. I just wondered because it seems like if they did, this might be language in their contract and it made me wonder why the studio wouldn’t just hire pros to do this part of the work.

    It’s not a zero sum game. We can discuss both because both issues exist and are unnecessarily hurting children’s academic future. Plus, the “zero tolerance” policies definitely are enforced at a disproportionate rate to punish black and brown children more.

    Serious question...do porn actors have a union? I remember reading something fairly recently (I think it was on Jez too, but can’t remember) about a porn actress crossing over to GOT and the piece then went into how others could make the transition via this type of situation. That release sounds like something that

    I’m not JLo stan (hell, of fan even) but she is actually a pretty decent dancer. Singer? Hell no. Actress? Debatable (I’d go with hell no here also). But her dancing seems to be the best thing about her “array of talents.”

    I agree with you on everything...but Kerry isn’t light. Lol. She just regular ole’ brown.