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    THANK YOU! This is what I was getting at. It was taught in a “here are the heroes of slavery” by way of Harriet Tubman, Abolitionists, and more. However, I’m waiting for someone to tell me the story of how their teacher taught them about the widespread rapes that happened to the slaves, the destruction of the family

    I never said it wasn’t taught. I implied that the information in the new TX textbooks is no different than the information that has been in textbooks forever. It’s just that TX was blatant about their “revisions”, while other states using the same textbook manufacturers are not.

    I agree. I’m glad people are noticing AND commenting on the BS as well. Some progress is better than none.

    You grew up in NY...a progressive state. However EVERYWHERE that I have lived, including the south and midwest especially, school, teachers and textbooks glossed over that part of history. Once you take an African American and African studies class in college or wherever, you realize that shit they teach in elementary

    I’m 35. A long way from my elementary and middle school days. I grew up around the world as my father was in the Army and we traveled a lot. And guess what? The shit in these textbooks is no different that the shit in the textbooks I came up with. Only difference is the uproar about it. Want to know about black

    Man, IDK anything about his penis other than it’s attached to that body with those legs and...I’ll pass.

    To be honest, that’s the thing he’s trying to be known for. I know he’s a rapper but I couldn’t tell you what songs he’s made. If he was really about his craft, he’d do something like, I don’t know, work on his “music”.

    Yeah. Not to be all body snarky but men with rounded hips have to be really careful of what they wear. The wrong pant cut can make them look more voluptuous than a VS model.

    I’m sorry but they all look terrible. I thought John Legend was the clear winner until I saw that his jacket has a coattail. Or does it??? Not sure but it looks that way and that is just...sad. Justin Bieber is killing me softly with that side bang and Tyga is just...he’s who I’d kill.

    I’m not going to star your comment because I hate it happened to you and everyone else who has dealt with the pain of rape. What I will say is that I hope the person who did that gets hit by a bus on their way home, doesn’t die immediately and instead expires slowly and painfully in the middle of the street while the

    Nah, she looks old as hell. I wouldn’t peg her for 18. 28 - 33 maybe. But not 18. She looks worn, hate to say it.

    Angelina Jolie in Gia was fucking perfection. Loved it.

    I went on 20 interviews over the course of 2 months. Love my new job. Hopefully this is the one for your. Good luck!

    That song came out during an awesome time in everyone’s life. At least, I’d like to believe that.

    Yes. Yes it is. Why? Because he did he fucking time, has not re-offended and has generally atoned in all the ways he possibly can. We have a horrible track record in this country of not just punishing criminal acts, but extending the punishment socially to ensure that most criminally convicted persons NEVER have the

    There was an excellent piece by an Orlando journalist around the time of the Vick scandal. It was entitled something like “If only Vick had hit a woman,” and in it, the author went on to discuss some of the more infamous cases in the NFL where dudes straight up attacked their wives, girlfriends, or kids and were

    The Mike Vick shit is just...let it fucking GO. He served time. He’s not reoffended. He’s moved on with his life in a positive manner. If you don’t like what he did, I get it. But this “let’s drag him for life” shit folks are doing pisses me off so fucking much. Child molesters don’t get this much vitriol. FFS

    I liked it. We didn’t have any local places to get a philly cheesesteak so Penn Station was a godsend at that point. There are better local places where I live now for that but for what it’s worth, I enjoyed it.

    We don’t have them here.

    Jersey Mike’s and Penn Station are the shit and from what I know, pedophile free. Get your sandwich grub on there.