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    Lol. Thanks

    Both. Movie was silly as hell.


    Lol, thanks!

    I thought she would be too.

    Okay y’all, here’s the ending.

    Diabetes is on the menu. Megan Faux didn’t get the money, Mr. Old-New truck dude is figuring out that it was never about the money and Megan Faux shot his ass because, why not? She’s trying to claim the girl as hers and she told her that her parents are dead. Literary dude is not dead. He goes into the garage and

    Gatdamn...this chick is quick with the trigger. She shot Robert after he tried to call the cops on her. She believes they are supposed to be together after the hot ONS with literary dick Ferrell. Shot him in the arm. They squabble a bit and Robert lunges at her a la his attack scene in The Other Guys. Mom is on the

    So the mom is in the car looking at the flyers she made and Megan Faux is at the hood of the car tapping on it. The mom’s name is Sarah and Megan Faux was apparently triggered by hearing the term “crazy” which means...she might be. Megan Faux is going on about how Robert doesn’t love the mom and recounting her story


    So Megan Faux just gave the order and gay dude had to bite it. Megan Faux has completed her transformation from knocked up homeless girl to full on trashy, Christina Aguilera in Dirty girl with her look. The mom is at the police station and they are asking her questions about her husband possibly being with

    Aight. I had to take a pee break. Back.

    So, the master plan was for FMF to get close to the family with her sketchy dude and kidnap their kid for ransom. She is going full-on skank with the blonde clip in extensions in the safe house and the dude seems skeptical of the plan. I predict that he will let the child go after she has this full on diabetic

    This is too fun not to discuss. Thank you!


    Mutha fucking Robert just told Faux Megan Fox that he blames his wife for the accident and he wishes he didn’t. And said he may never love her the way he used to because of it. This douche nozzle hasn’t shared that with anyone else and FMF says that because he feels safe around her. Robert looks into the distance

    Both. Lol

    The pregnant chick, Bridget, has some sort of co-conspiritor she’s in contact with on her cell phone (did she always have that as a homeless person, is it a track phone for low income folks, or did the family put her on the plan? Lifetime is leaving us hanging on that one). She’s teaching the little girl how to ride a

    I’m dead at her conspiring with her co-conspirator all out in the open like that. They live in a small town. This movie ain’t real if the coffee shop owner or patron doesn’t immediately run to the couple to tell them about this suspicious call.

    The deck/patio was not built correctly and she leaned in (lol) and fell off, hit a small fisherman’s boat on her way into the water, which is why she was knocked unconscious.