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    See...see...when it comes to Eminem and Paul Wall, to me, they both KNOW they are white, identify as such but grew up around black people and fit in enough that they AUTHENTICALLY developed music as a result of what they love/lived. I agree on the rest, but I don’t see those two as cultural appropriators as much as

    Yeah, there is NO WAY he didn’t know. He knew she is white. So this transition into faux blackness is just...disturbing on so many levels. My question is...WTF do her KIDS think?

    I feel like there was something to it initially but as of now, they are dragging it out in a very fake way for cash. I can’t watch them.

    I agree about Kendra. I never liked Holly but I did enjoy watching Kendra and even watched her show when her and Hank first got married. But, NOW? If she and her hubby don’t take that fake transgender storyline shit somewhere else. From what I understand, it’s been a lead story in a few reality shows as of late. Maybe

    Kendra wasn’t smart but she never claimed to be. She seemed super comfy in her skin and that was cool to see. To me, she was super young (I think she was younger than me at the time and I was like 22) and just going with it. Holly was always...fake. Like more fake than the average playmate needs to be.

    See...yes and no. Tyrese is just not a smart individual and has said some of the most shit-tastic stuff ever uttered aloud about relationships, women, obese people, etc on radio shows. His twitter is a mess and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have a PR team to tell him to STFU. I’d love Rev. Run and his wife to do a show,

    Fair enough.

    I like Rev. Run and I could see him having something of value to impart given his life experience. But, Tyrese is just...not smart at all.

    Rev Run, yes. Terese though? HELL NO! If you don’t know anything more about this man other than his Coke commercial and Fast and Furious movies, please go read his twitter now. You will walk away confused, ashamed, baffled, and a little less cultured as a result.

    So much this. I knew a guy who was friends with my ex. He was a good looking dude but man was he a douche. He was in the military for about 13 years and was STILL and E-4 or 5. But, let him tell it, he had groupies after him for the cash. He was put out of the military for not making rank, is unemployed and STILL

    I see what you’re saying. I think the other commenter is trying to point out that just from the write up here on Jez, it seems like there was some manipulation in some cases (with the badge withholding) that may suggest that the women doing this were doing so with intent to get more aid, not as a result of it being

    Agree. This is one corner of the internet that I will stay away from. It seems like the worst of humanity resides there and posts all the live-long day, in between masturbating to their own vile words.

    Horrible. Horrible!!!

    Honestly, I think that the socialization in these communities is a very serious contributing factor in this type of behavior. Sure, many people in these communities do not rape or molest women/men/children. However, their attitudes about sex in general make it easy for the shame component for normal sexual feelings to

    I see where you’re going and here’s the thing. Our hair (I’m black also) is a unique to us. Sure, there may be a few non-black or non-African people with a similar texture, but by and large, it’s OUR thing. So for someone to say “I don’t like natural hair” AND to link it as “unprofessional” is an exertion of what they

    Yeah, Holly was not without fault. Although I do think Hef fed into her insecurities a lot. You could see by the end that she was super calculating (which isn’t inherently bad) but she wanted the empire, not just Hef. The other girls knew what time is was and weren’t trying to get the keys to the kingdom like she was.

    A simple, “I’m good, thanks for asking,” is more than enough to put people off to asking stupid shit. That and a generally intimidating presence (thanks dad) is usually enough to shut folks down.

    I actually really enjoyed that show. I think if you watch it now, in retrospect, you can see that he used to pit Holly against Kendra. Kendra was the new shiny thing and really not that into Hef, while Holly wanted this life with him. I thought everything I needed to know about him came after Holly left because he

    I agree with the also. As a former organizer/activist I think ALL of the suggestions mentioned are great ways to address the problem and yes, it needs to start with the education for sure.

    I actually liked season 1 better mostly because I didn’t like the whole “villain” angle they took in season 2. But, I can see how someone might not have liked the show initially because that first season was more...boring in a way.