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    Right. I understood it to be of X people ages A-B, Y amount have tried weed. Meaning of people surveyed in the 18-29 category, 35% have admitted to trying weed, while 65% abstained.


    I lightweight wish she went with Christina..aka Christy Jenner aka Chris Jenner, just to PISS OFF Kris Jenner as she reclaimed/rebranded her name.

    This is exactly what I thought as well. Not gonna lie. She is rocking it!

    I am cracking up at that imagery.

    This is all true except she’s said that, before North, she was told that she would have a hard time getting pregnant. I’m sure they (her and Kanye) thought it’d take a lot more when they found out about the first pregnancy. The fact that she is having another one so soon might mean that she actively went through the

    Knowing how hard the public/media was on her, I’d hope she goes away during her pregnancy. Not in a hiding sort of way, but in a “making effort not to be on display” type way. I think Kanye would support that. I’m sure her evil mother wouldn’t though.

    There was a 4 year old girl in Ohio who needed a liver and oiff I had been a match I would have donated. Not saying I’d do this for everyone, but I’d consider (thankfully, in very healthy).

    A blogger I follow posted the link to the story in her page and then comments abounded. Not sure what the commenter’s name was though.

    I do remember that.

    There was a woman who commented on the Facebook post and she was sitting DIRECTLY next to the guy. She said he was rude as hell but didn’t call her out as Muslim and didn’t say that she would use the can as a weapon. She said he told her to STFU and that she was being ridiculous (which is rude as hell, btw), but

    Yes, they were shitty but not as much as the Friends characters. I watched a few episodes back when I was in HS and I could not understand the love people had for it. It was awful.

    I not partial to RW at all looks-wise and SMG is still looking great. But, out of all of them, SB is making it look easiest.

    Professional level shade like a mofo. Lol

    I had cheese today. I’m lactose intolerant. #solidarity

    You don’t like what you don’t like. If they don’t like them, not attending their wedding is appropriate. And because they (Jay & Bey) are so private and it would be a big deal for the for them to attend, mama Kardashian would have exploited the hell out of that. I wouldn’t participate either.

    yeah, it’s about JLo. Cannot remember what he asked in reference, but her response is/was hilarious.


    It is ELITE shade and I’m here for it. Lol.

    Ahhh...it especially depends on what kind of “pearl necklace” we talking about.