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    I was juts going to say the same thing. In one Limited Brand store I’m a 6, another an 8, and yet another a 4. WTF.

    Wow. I’m not familiar with her outside of this blog so I was unaware she was that ridiculous. I thought she was run of the mill rabid over food issues, but that sounds legit crazy and very dangerous to me. You’d think that sort of thing would keep people from taking her seriously but alas..kraft is changing their

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this.

    I agree. I think the family should sue, but not the woman who made the claim. I get it. She lost her child and thought this one was hers. I can imagine that I’d want someone to go find out as well. I would think part of that finding out was DNA testing also. I cannot understand the motive for the courts in not doing

    Same tone. Same thought. I will never buy anything from their line because I hate their clothes and what they seem to represent.

    Okay. When they said the girl was moved to a ‘neighboring state” I assumed it was the US courts who did the unusual trial. Also, the DNA tests were done after the case was escalated by the media and protests. I initially though (not sure why) that there was a preliminary test done that was erroneous and the second

    I get that too. And I’m sure she didn’t intend for this to go the way it did. Having said that, the agencies involved should be made to pay (and big time) to the family that had to deal with this. It’s their job to be the rational ones here and do what is necessary to ensure that stuff like this does not happen. They

    SUE EVERYONE. Interpool (if possible), the state of Texas, the lab that did the tests. EVERYONE. Sue the shit out of all of them. This type of thing is the stuff of nightmares and my goodness I cannot imagine having to prove my kid was mine, let alone fight the urge to do extreme bodily harm to the lady to claimed to

    NO! lol, but I respect your tastes.

    That’s interesting because I have not had organic peanut butter that I have liked. What brand do you use? Or do you do you own?

    I get it. I like eating healthy and Kraft mac and cheese does not fit the bill. And I do agree that it might be nice to see more healthy lifestyle stuff on Jez. However, they aren’t coming for this chick off her encouraging folks to eat healthy. They are coming for her over for being a sensationalist and pointing out

    I genuinely had no idea what boxed mac and cheese tasted like until I went to a superbowl party as an adult. I was familiar with it but had never eaten it. Man, after doing so I wondered how people didn’t die of cancer immediately after. lol. Everything about it was artificial tasting. I’m not a food snob (cuz I will

    We’re saying the same thing.

    I have endo as well. Just a word of caution. A hysterectomy can work to alleviate endo symptoms, but it’s not a cure. Some women go on to never have any more endo symptoms after doing so. Others are horrified when they STILL aren’t relieved of the symptoms after the surgery. I’m sure your doctors has discussed the

    I agree. I just don’t agree that reasonable (which this couple clearly isn’t) sex noises, even loud ones, should be cause for calling the law. Unreasonable, excessive situations, sure. I probably wouldn’t call but I’d get why other folks would. From the responses I was reading, a lot of folks seems to think that ANY

    Okay. That’s a tidbit I was unaware of. I get his hesitation over making that a leading story. I really do. I still standby my statements that it’s a luxury that I and others like me don’t have. Is that his fault? Of course not. It just highlights a privilege I wish wasn’t a fact of life.

    For the love of god, some things bother me, others don’t. This is one that doesn’t. Clearly this is a big ticket item on your irritation radar. Cool. I get THESE people were excessive and apparently astonishingly loud. However, if that’s NOT the case and it’s NOT an all the time thing, then folks can grin and bear it.

    Yeah, that’s been my experience as well. Many folks mix it up and don’t realize (or care enough to find out) they are doing it. Then assumptions are made and placed out of context. Chaos.


    Lol, that makes sense. In his case, it was definitely creepy.