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    The anonymous letter is clutch in situations like this. You don't know if it will work or not, but at least the other person will have the suspicion to investigate the claim.

    One thing I love about my family is that we don’t take no bullshit and won’t let you dish it out either. To a certain extent, there is a reasonable expectation of privacy in one’s relationships. But, in situations like that, in my family it’s fair game to come clean to the other person...for their sake and the sake of

    That’s a good counterpoint. I see why someone would use it. I just don’t know that I think it’s necessary for black Americans. And in professional settings, I think most folks of all races use AA to address a black person or discuss/refer to any issues surrounding the black community

    I thought that was the best course and was happy to see some states adopt that model.

    That’s my thought as well. What does he gain by doing this other than humiliating his ex and potentially taking her financially down the line. I get folks break up, but this seems a bit over the top and “revenge-y” to me.

    That scene is me and my mom, and Quincy’s dad was a better version of my real life father. Great dad. Shitty husband. And my mother was a pushover to boot. I had SOOOO much resentment towards her. I was 20 when this came out and I was real emotional watching their family dynamic. I love this movie though. Classic.

    I have not had sex with Ryan Lochte. But, I have had sex with a few insanely hot men. I find the ones I dealt with were pretty eager to please. Not lazy at all. Your mileage may vary though.

    It’s a running joke in our family for someone to buy any new littles the most obnoxiously loud toy we can find. Lol. Nothing has ever topped my cousin’s sword that was MOTION activated to play sound. One of my uncles bought that and everyone in the family hated that shit. It stayed at my g-mas house but because that

    Oh, okay. Gotcha.

    All valid points. I remember a lot of her actions, mostly because she’s stayed in the public eye and he hasn’t. But, with you bringing that up, I do remember those instances and yes. None of that was cool. They really were a bad match.

    Honestly, if it’s a) not in a professional setting or b) not someone old enough to have lived through the Civil Rights era, I correct anyone who uses the term AA to refer to me or others I know for a fact are black (friends, relatives, etc). It’s such a bullshit term in my view. And it also reeks of “I’m PC and know

    I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Lol

    If nothing else, Florida gives us some of the best dumbass crime stories. Never change Sunshine State. Never change...

    Today you win best use of a gif. This shit is perfection!

    I agree with most everything except your “only black Americans are African Americans,” statement. Because everyone black I know refers to themselves as black. Not AA. That’s a term that usually non-black people use to describe black folks in an effort to be PC. Also, I’m black and I don’t refer to myself as AA and

    Not saying my experience is representative of all experiences, but I have never heard any black person say that the term African American is reserved for American born black folks who descended from slaves. Like...ever. That’s a new one on me.

    In moments like those, I wish for Anonymous to reveal geo-tag locations of racist tweeters for...reasons.

    It is grade A masterful shade.

    You know why I don’t bring stuff like that up? Because while it may factor into a lot of things (and I admit that it does), I feel like it can be crutch that some folks use to excuse not working through shit as an adult. I think Bethany has tackled some of those issues in terms of identifying (just based solely about

    I think she’s a really bad role model for what love looks like. Mostly because I really, really, really don’t think she understands it. And to be fair, many of us don’t. But to have a section in a book that basically says NO MAN WILL EVER CARE ABOUT YOU is some straight BS. I know many men who don’t care about anyone