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    I just feel like this is a bit much. I get why you feel the way you do. But again...like her venting her frustration in that way, what you're doing isn't helping. I definitely you (and anyone else) can and should point out the abusive behavior she highlighted but there's definitely a better way to do it.

    Yeah, you can't be real here, or honestly, most anywhere on the internet. Some people's sole reason for living is to get on here and judge the shit out of someone so it's best to leave that to the people who know you best.

    That actually pissed me off reading it because I feel like my mother wrote it. Lol. If I had a quarter for every unnecessary no I got from her growing up, I wouldn't be working today.

    YES! My dad wasn't really a spanker (although he would in extreme circumstances) but what he lacked there, he made up for with sheer punishment ingenuity. He did everything from take doors off hinges, to make us do gardening work and help with projects around the house instead of hanging with friends in the summer.

    I see the responses to this going over really well.....lol

    Man...somehow I wish all those who were die hard evangelist Christians were the ONLY ones subject to a new "eye for and eye" ruling. Since they want to govern morality so badly, why not offer themselves up as examples (as they believe Christ did) of how it's done. These two can be the first under the new ruling.

    He has not evolved. That's where we agree 100%. Let me be clear that I'm speaking of Em albums 1 and 2. Anything beyond that, I'm not intimately familiar with because I stopped listening.

    I'll take J. Cole everyday over Big Sean. Cole has something to say and his rap is reminiscent of Nas's storytelling. Big Sean is awful and I have no idea how anyone can listen to what he has to say because the sound of his voice alone is enough of a turn off for the actual music. I can't get past how he sounds on any

    Em is a sociopath and I love every bit of it. Yes, I get how problematic it is. It's just... to me...it's refreshing how raw his anger was and how well he expressed it. It doesn't hurt that I've felt that way before towards people and it's not "polite" to express it so listening to him helped.

    Yeah, the more she talks, the more it seems like she's a bit insufferable and despite Lee Daniels being a douche-tastic ass regarding black women, she's not coming up looking good the more she goes on.

    A lot of people who are models are also "pretty normal person good looking" so I'm sure he has a shot.


    I've learned that there are people in this world who will NEVER get over something as long as that something brings them attention. It becomes a crutch or security blanket they can always count on to bring whatever payoff they are seeking. That doesn't make it any less creepy though.

    That is a suit to be "seen" and not to swim in. In that spirit, double stick tape is necessary and the right move.

    Damn. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Is there anything that can be done to help ease/lessen the breakouts and reverse the scarring?

    Girl, please yell that shit from the rooftops. I don't have acne prone skin and started using biotin a few years back. I ended up with some horrendous acne that lasted for like 2 weeks - month. Like, in full rage on my forehead for two weeks at the very least. I had to discontinue and rehab my forehead skin with Ambi

    I thought this tankini was cute:

    I never said he would have killed her. I actually disagreed with the person who stated that.

    If you ever watched the Snapped eppy and other true crime shows where his friends described him, they all basically say he was a "playboy." However, I cannot remember what I watched or read, but there was this whole backstory into Travis and a few chicks were pretty much like, "God bless the dead...but he was

    That show was pretty hilarious.