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    I acknowledge that she's likely a victim of his abuse and seems to have horrible friends who have an "industry" mentality. No snark. But, as a result of her likely being, as the very least, a victim of emotional abuse from CB, I don't believe her statement. She's not done anything at current that is different from

    I agree. But every third Tuesday she's on Twitter talking about how it's "over." She's had many public declarations over the years, and so has he. That's what leads me to believe that while she may be hurt, I doubt she's truly "done."

    Sure. It can be. However, it's been their pattern to take to the media to declare they are "over" and then be seen later dealing with each other. It would take her doing something different altogether for me to believe she's not open to going back. Sure, initially no one wants to deal with a child that was born while

    I truly understand what she's dealing with from my own personal experience. Rihanna went back and realized that his ass was awful and cut all ties. Good for her. However, "the life" that K has with Chris isn't really accessible to her without him unless she cultivates an actual career - something she has yet to do in

    I'm sure she thinks she means that but I don't believe her. He's been doing her dirty for YEARS...and PUBLICLY. She was cool gallivanting around with him during the many instances where he was doing her wrong, not being faithful, calling her out when they broke up, etc. This man has shown her for years that he's never

    That is absolutely a form of gaslighting.

    I tend to be most attracted to narcissists as well so I feel you. For me, it's because they remind me of my dad. Who is a narcissist but I have a totally awesome relationship with (weirdly).

    This is the way. I'm five months out of a 5 year relationship that was pretty abusive. Every so often my ex send out "feelers" through others to see if I'm "ready to talk." Despite his bitch-ass living with another woman and HER CHILD. I will NEVER speak to him again. He could stage a campout outside of my front door

    She got it hijab from her friend who is a practicing Muslim so I'm thinking that yes, people do wear read hijabs.

    Right, like find a brown or black person to do interview and figure out a way to empathize with their experience. Go out in public with them. Something along those lines. But, "skin darkening" is slowly crossing the line into something else entirely. I get what she's trying to do. But not like this.

    Man...Youtube comments are the absolute fucking worst. They always start off pretty decent and on-topic even but then someone comes in and says some of the most racist shit ever and it's like a dog whistle that other racist, sexist, dumbasses can hear so they pile on. Just...no. Never read those comments. Ever.

    Greatest. Response. Ever.

    I remember this so vividly and I what I remember most was my inability to contain laughter at this scene when they showed it. I might have been like 9 or 10.

    He was an awesome dancer, I do remember that.

    Lol, honestly Vanilla Ice is better than she is. But, if she had to make the comparison, it should have been to him. Or maybe Macklemore, but even HE seems to know he's not that good.

    Um, if she wanted a better comparison, she should have said Vanilla Ice. Because her skills are on par with him. To compare herself to Eminem on the basis of them both being white rappers is very disingenuous...because, love him or hate him, he is talented as fuck. She's...not.

    Question. This show has been running for so long that it's a safe bet to assume most of the contestants are aspiring actors/actresses, right? Does anyone still think these folks are legitimately looking for love?

    I'm not so sure anyone here would really agree that 16-18 year olds are the pinnacle of looks. Maybe some peak then, but I'm 34 and look fucking amazing now. Much improved from high school.

    Lots of people like Pornstache more than Larry. I'm one of them. I hate them both, but I'd take him over Larry any day.

    That makes sense. I didn't think of that. Hopefully that's what she got and didn't permanently alter her look. Although, it looks like she's had other work done but I can't pinpoint what that work might be.