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    SHIT! I had NO IDEA about this. Wow. They are a terrible family. I take it all back about Camille as well. She's complicit in something like that, then shit...she could definitely be complicit in this crap. Seriously lost all respect for them both. I feel for their kids because I'm sure they are fucked up. Hopefully

    I respectfully disagree. That's why they are called master manipulators. People who are manipulated by these types may know something is off, but they don't get that the strings are being pulled to induce certain reactions or cause a certain type of chaos. A lot of times, the cycle pattern of abuse doesn't become

    This man is a MASTER manipulator. No, I don't know this personally (obviously), but he has to be for the women in his family to be so openly going at the accusers. I get that they want to support Cosby. No one thinks someone THEY love is a monster, esp if said person hasn't been a monster to them in the same sense as

    I have no idea why men do this. Like, if you just give it some time, it may head that way. If you do anything overtly crazy to steer the situation to sex, then you're probably NOT getting any and she'll curb you. Over the weekend I had two Tinder guys ask me to come over to their house. I had met neither of them, only

    I actually prefer a low key meeting the first couple of times so going dutch is pretty cool with me. Coffee house, sports bar...that type of thing. I won't go on a "real" first date until I'm sure I'll be cool going out with him and enjoying spending 2+ hours together. I'm fine with dutch until that first real date. I

    This is so true. My dealbreaker list now includes any man with a profile pic of him giving the camera the middle finger. I absolutely hate that pic, no matter how fine the man is. If he's holding up his middle finger, automatic left swipe.

    Lol, no need to collect a check. I'm just not a Kim fan for a variety of reasons. I kind of think Nicki will fare better thank Lil Kim in the long run (read: after music) mostly because Nicki is making herself more of a brand than Kim did. Nicki's done movies , had a stint on American Idol and I'm sure has other stuff

    Eh...I just think Kim was a puppet and while Nicki might be as well, she seems to have more of a hand on her own career than Kim did. To each their own.

    Sorry but Kim doesn't do it for me. I get her pioneer status and the respect people have for her, but I think Nicki has a bit more staying power and is navigating the game better than Kim ever did.

    I read and comprehended what you wrote. My exception was the 2.0 comparison. Kim didn't write so, to me, in terms of their "artistry" they aren't comparable.

    The fact that Nicki writes her OWN shit is exactly why she is not Lil Kim 2.0. Biggie wrote almost all of Kim's rhymes for her debut album and it was very obvious after he died. Once he was gone, her music, lyrically, fell ALL the way off.

    Newsflash...some feminists actually embrace their sexuality (hetero or homo) and LIKE the male (or female) gaze. I'm not sure when feminism "evolved" (major eye roll) into this thing where you had to denounce the expression of sex, sexuality and all things sex related to be taken seriously, but I don't want to live in

    I'm not a Nicki Minaj fan. I listened to the album today on Spotify for the hell of it.

    Yeah. That's pretty much my stance. If you want to talk, call. If you want to see how my day was, text. If I'm getting to know a man and he fails to return three consecutive text messages, I don't contact them again. If they contact me, I'll resume contact. Otherwise, nope. I'm never mad about it either. People could

    It's the place you go when you know you're going to find some excuse, some reason to cheat, so you prepare in advance so you can get right to the betrayal and lies without having to start from scratch.

    I'm going to say something that you don't want to hear, but you need to. In my experience, both personal and anecdotal, if a man wants something you will not have to ask. No matter how shy he is, how far away he is, etc. He'll let you know because he wants to ensure you're not doing with someone else the things he

    Listen...listen. The pics with men and their more attractive friend will get may attention. I'll ask if the one I find most attractive is single. Lol, I feel like that's the ONLY acceptable thing to do, why else post that pic?

    Right. I see this and I think, "are you trying to set me up with your four-year old?" Like, wtf?! I don't mind kids and stuff, but c'mon! That's not why I'm on Tinder. I'm trying to see what YOU are about. All that other stuff (kids, pics of you and your ex, etc) is not the initial stuff you put up to meet someone.

    I think the OP was asking why was Tinder considered less bad than having a dating profile on another network, esp. considering it's mostly seen as a hookup app.

    I have Tinder. I'm single. Not necessarily looking to hook up, but I'm not against meeting someone I could have sex with, among doing other things. If I was in a relationship on this app, I'd be using it the EXACT same way. I've seen some folks claim they're using it for networking purposes, but 90% of people are