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    THIS I will 100% agree with. He could be a "captain save'em" type but he seems like he's abusive to me and that's why he chooses the way he does.

    In fact, dating the girl who's struggling to stay on track and being her "rock" seems like manipulative asshole 101.

    I would say this season and the one with Yaya DeCosta and Eva were neck and neck to me. Both were really, really good.

    This gif is the shit! lol

    Seriously. It's becoming obsessive and strikes me as very stalker like. It's one thing to try to win your wife back on the heels of breakup of a 16 year relationship (I gave Robin Thicke a pass for that) but AC and Duff haven't been together in like, what? A decade or more? It's not rational...at all.

    Eh. I just think differently. Saying "congrats" on a life milestone isn't the same as having conversation about your daily events or whatnot. I don't find it strange. That's just me though.

    I guess if it was a way to open up previously closed lines of communication, then I get where the story may be going. But, honestly, I know a lot of people (myself included) who wouldn't think twice about congratulating someone they cared about on the birth of a child or other major milestone. As long as there wasn't

    I read that book (well not all of it, but most, still reading) and that is not what it's about on it's head. It's more about relationships, perceptions and the ideas that black people hold toward African Americans (actual African people who emigrated to the US) and vice versa. The way you described it might make one

    The media is doing their best to make Eva Mendes look like a jealous shrew...which probably means she's not. I've read interviews with her and she came off as super secure where relationships, her body and her place in Hollywood is concerned. I know motherhood brings out many things in women, but for her to do a 180

    which is starting to become a trend with Lenas.

    Honestly? It really depends on 1) where he is stationed; 2) how critical his job duties are; 3) how much pressure they (Navy) are under to downsize. I'm not in the navy but I've seen how they operate firsthand (dated two Navy guys for a total of 7 year - not at the same time, lol)

    Honestly, I didn't think the hashtag was for black people. You're right. WE already knew that. However, there are a lot of clueless white folks running around saying "this isn't racism" or "cops were just doing their jobs." That hashtag was for those people, who really want to cling to that. It was for them to see

    YO....this entire time I've looked at Igloo and thought, "who is she trying to be/bite" and Charlie Baltimore is extremely accurate. Charlie was actually pretty decent though. Igloo...not so much.

    Please say this shit a little louder.

    Every time I see this dude I think, "where are his people?" As in, his family? Like, where the fuck are they? Has he rebuffed their advice one to many times so they're like "screw it" and are content to the chips fall where they may? Does he have a PR team? I know it's college football but seriously...maybe a coach or

    Also, a lot of black celebs participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge with expediency. I'm judging the fuck out of their silence as well. To me, the bottom line is this: you appropriate black culture as a non-black person or are black and have supported other shit that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, and you stay

    L.M.A.O!!! Like, legit laughter. I needed that.

    NOPE. You don't get a pass because you are from another country...especially when you take an artform that originated here from black people and put it upon yourself to ingratiate your wack music into our culture as an example of "hip hop." NO. You don't get to say "well I'm Australian" then. Esp when race relations

    She's...nuanced. Her music is prolific in terms emotional depth and range, especially for r&b (as the genre is much more sex, sex, and more sex now-days). However, I follow her on Twitter and she sometimes says some stupid shit. But overall, she's pretty right on. I agree with the commenter who said that Scott is

    No worries. I know the media is sly like that so it was quite the possibility that they were doing just that.