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    Yeah, it doesn't relate. I remember hearing about PTSD and one of my friends was swearing he was in combat so that's where I came up with the misguided link. Thanks for the correction.

    Thank you for the clarification. I didn't think he was a vet but I had this convo/argument with someone a bit ago and they really went in about how he was a combat vet. So...yeah, shame on me for not verifying.

    WHY did someone argue me down about this like a month ago? I didn't think he was a vet but I never bothered to look it up because I didn't care that much. But the argument was convincing that I thought, "well...I guess he is a vet." Ugh. People.

    Maybe because it's in SA but I'm super surprised they didn't try to use the PTSD he CLEARLY deals with as a major defense move (or maybe they did. I haven't been up on this particular case). I honestly and truly wish that none of this happened. I also wish that, as a silver lining of this type of shit, there was a

    If Mariah is the shade queen, Whitney was definitely the reading queen. She gave no f-cks about how you felt. Lol

    I think this is a good point. I am a shade queen apparently because I have a very sarcastic tone, even when I'm being serious. So I could genuinely mean it when I say, "oh wow...that's a bold fashion choice you're sporting there," but because tone is everything, it could come off as totally shady.

    White folks. Y'all love y'all some coke. Lol. And I'm not saying this like other races don't do drugs, because we do. But, I promise I never knew regular, everyday people did coke until I moved to Florida. A lot of white folks I've come across down here do it and will casually offer you some like it's normal. I've

    It's actually pretty funny. I was kinda skeptical as well but I love it.

    Well duh. We all know that 'stand your ground' laws are intended to protect those who shoot the real threat...black people.*

    Ambi. I'm medium toned black woman (think Sanaa Lathan complexion) and that stuff has always worked to fade any discoloration and even my skin tone. I don't know what devil's magic is in it, but it works wonders. Get the kind for oily skin as it is more tolerable for those with skin issues.

    Vaseline. Put in under/around your eyes before bed. That's all I do. I'm 34. People have never guessed I'm over 28...ever. Also, water and sunscreen. It helps if you have an oily complexion as that helps keep wrinkles at bay. All the other stuff...unless it's from a derm, save your money.

    WHO says that though? And WHY would he say that? Never in the history of any interview have I ever heard anyone answer that question in such a way. Not about black women, asian women, indian women, etc. The only way that even makes sense is if the interview is more than just a standard interview and the struggle was

    Most people don't discuss what they love about a group of people and automatically link it to issues and/or struggles those people face. If someone asked me if I loved black men, I'd say yes and probably name a few I thought were physically attractive to me. That does not discount their struggle or issues faced on a

    I am of the thought that not everyone has to care about every facet of everything. And this isn't pandering. I think at times those in marginalized groups tend to hold this belief that you have to care about ALL THE THINGS, as they relate to ALL THE OTHER THINGS. You don't. You can't. I saw comments where people are

    Two out of five. While Tamera is perceived as black by the public at large, she is mixed. A lot of times we (society) force one race over the other, esp based on the "look" of a person, but she has said that she identifies as mixed because to simply identify as black is to deny another entire half of her family,

    I think she choose roles based on what she's committed to and doesn't just chase a check. From what I understand that seems to be her appeal. That and she's a pretty straight shooter but not an ass. Oh...and Brown Bunny. Don't Google that at work though.

    I was wondering that too. What two crazy people were like "yeah...he can stay?" smh

    Weight lifting to tone up is really the key to maintaining your physique without much "effort", so to speak. I HATE cardio, but I can do a Zumba class or intermittent cardio when I'm competing against someone (because one thing I hate more than cardio is losing) in class. But, the strength training I've started doing

    Can we talk about the newest songs basically calling out skinny women. All about that bass (which I love) and Anaconda both have lines in them that basically tell skinny women to jump in the lake. It's not cool to fat shame, but the opposite of skinny shaming (I realize that's not really a thing, but work with me

    I actually like many of her designs. I'll admit that I love a vampy wedding dress and she delivers...so be it :)