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    So tell me how long you've been a fan of slavery? Because that justification sounds like it was crafted straight from the mentality of a US slave-owner.

    Agreed. They are living out their teen and young adult years in public. Let's be real...if cameras followed the average college student around campus freshman year a lot of folks would pass judgement on them for binge drinking, hooking up, smoking weed and a host of other stuff. Selena and Miley are at that age. Same

    While I definitely agree that the root of the issue is unrealistic European beauty standards, she HAS to take some personal responsibility in the situation. There are so many other applications for wigs and weave that will not damage the skin and cause infection. For her to literally be peeling off skins when taking

    Maybe dramatic. Lol. But, she's pretty tiny and pretty serious about her coke (from a non-drug user so that perception may be biased.) Either way, she's cool people, but I am legit amazed at how much coke she can put away in a 3 day span.

    No. I generally do take the "live and let live" approach to stuff and only grazed by some of her stuff on Jez before. But someone else posted links so I get it now. I wasn't aware of some of the other stuff she's said/done that's been inaccurate or out of line.

    Ok, with this example I can understand more why people may have the intense issue they have with her. Thank you.

    My 61 year old roommate does it so apparently age is no factor. lol

    I never knew folks legitimately use coke for fun. Growing up my social circle was just less inclined where drugs are involved. Now that I live in S. Fla and have roommates, I'm learning that Friday to Monday morning is one long, non-stop coke binge into oblivion night after night for them. As someone who abstains,

    I agree. I just really, really do not get why folks hate this woman. Ok, wait. I do get it but I don't understand it. I get "don't like" or "don't subscribe to" her way of life or the way she goes about "motivating" others. Ok, Fair enough. But the amount of pure hate she gets for simply looking pretty good and taking

    I saw that in my inner diva screamed "YAAAAASSSS, b*tch WERK", so take that for what it's worth. lol

    I definitely understand and respect your viewpoint.

    I still fail to see how commenting on both the sexist overtones that exist in hip hop and qualifying it with the group who perpetuates their privilege is somehow offensive. If she were discussing music IN GENERAL then I'd get it. But, I'm not sure why you inferred that somehow "everyone knows how Black men disrespect

    Are you seriously saying that because ONE white rapper in a sea full of black rappers disparaged women that her qualifying the statement with "black men" is somehow offensive? This is hair splitting to me. Hip hop is BLACK culture, no matter how whitewashed it may appear now. So to say black men is entirely correct,

    She's discussing hip-hop, which is 99% black men, so why wouldn't she use "black men" as the qualifier?

    She got really sick and had to take a break. It's rumored that she's going to be dropping an album soon and is looking be more in the forefront with her music and not just producing behind the scenes.

    I thought the same thing. This girl is young, doing something she loves and at a high level and we have folks in the forum going off on her character because her sister broke celebrity ranks for doing a sex tape. SMH. You cannot help who you're related to and what her family/sister does is not a reflection on her or

    I want to give this comment all the stars because I read it the same way. LOL

    Her parents are fucking black. The end.

    I have a friend named Natika. She hates it. Says it could have potentially barred her from jobs. However…as the project manager of a major department of Dow chemicals, her name has had no bearing on her career. People who think a name is the one thing that will stop them from getting hired tend not to realize that if

    For centuries in this country, the narrative around white women has been that they are the ideal, the "prize" (so-to-speak) so when a black woman (who has NEVER been seen as the prize to anyone in the larger societal scheme) is with a white man, it's never a big deal because it's assumed no one wants us anyway. But,