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    I'm a fan of such agreements with one clause...discretion. Clearly he lacks that and that's what annoys me.

    Can someone help me here? I've lurked on this site for months before posting and I've vacillated between feeling like Jez "gets it" and "OMG...WTF are they talking about now?" I don't know enough of the photoshop history on this site (I've seen things with Faith Hill and now this but I haven't taken the time to really

    Every variation of squats and lunges will help shape the booty like that (well, if you have something to begin with, if not...I'm sorry).

    I liked her back then (I was 8-10ish) and I sort of "get" her now. But, what's most interesting to me is that as an adult, I figured out what made me like her back then. I really, really hated Nancy and the reason was because she was heralded as "perfect, ideal and just better" than Tonya. But as a black girl in a

    I like the baby. Nori. She's awesome in a way that I usually reserve for 2-yr olds (I'm not really a baby person per se). That baby is the best thing about them both and they look like regular, normal parents when they are with her. More Nori, less Kimye...although I'm not sure that's possible. Lol.

    Oh I'm sure it's black people who did this. SMH. I hate my people sometimes. lol.

    Um...I mean, I don't know what to say to that. If you equate them treating you badly with their looks, then I guess I get it. I'm not being an ass or snarky either. I just don't know what me admitting I'm shallow and saying I like good looking men has to do with abuse.

    I'm sorry, but if a woman has a child she should get leave. If I don't, then I shouldn't. I'm not sure what's discriminatory about that. And I'm speaking as someone who is on the fence about having bio kids.

    I swear I was thinking "what judge signed off on this awful arrangement?" Clearly, this type of agreement/set-up is unrealistic at best and stupid at worst. I, too, get why he's mad but seriously...

    Lol, Yes. We would definitely get each other!

    Yeah...no. I'm not that bad. lol

    I was actually joking about the kids. But, I'm not ready to settle down yet and I'm thinking that when I'm ready, I still want a hot guy. I know hot can be a lot of things (brains, beauty, charisma, etc). But, I'm into good-looking guys and I'm not ashamed to admit that. If I end up with someone who is cute/attractive

    Please...say this again. Some men (and other women to be honest) get ridiculously angry when seeing that you date very attractive people. It's very odd.

    Exactly! I've dated someone I wasn't really attracted to. Great guy, no spark. So when the everyday nuances of relationships started, I was tempted to go elsewhere. I never want to be that person who cheats on a great guy because I want to keep one aspect of the relationship while getting another (physical) someplace

    Lol, I don't know why this made me laugh but it did. Just find someone you think is attractive and talk to them. You don't have to be a supermodel to land a hot guy (and if you are one, even better!) Just confident, secure and fun. While I'm going on about how looks are my things, you still have to have a personality

    I work out. I have a nice body. It's not perfect but I never called for perfection. I openly admitted I was/am shallow though so certain things I do want in a mate's appearance. I realize that most people get angry with such assertions because it's "impolite." IDGAF.

    I'm the queen of shallow. I'm the female equivalent of the "dude-bro" or whatever black woman counterpart to that shit is. I love hot guys. I'm not ashamed to admit it. For longevity, I need more than a rock hard body and a handsomely rugged face...however, I will not forgo those features entirely to settle down. I'd

    I'm literally at work in tears laughing so hard at this. I have no idea why but this shit just tickles me hysterical.

    As someone who had a unibrow, long side-burns and hairy legs like a grown ass man by 12, I approve this. Lol. My mom was so anti-shaving, waxing, etc that while I did start shaving early (like 5th grade early), I didn't get my eyebrows done until I was about 15. CHANGED.MY.LIFE.

    *Dead* at "cancel that bitch." hahaha!