How does the 330 weigh 300 pound more than a Nissan Altima for example.
How does the 330 weigh 300 pound more than a Nissan Altima for example.
I disagree that it’s more comfortable to sit at a 15 degree angle. We don’t sit in bathtubs in living rooms, we sit in chairs. If the distance from the back of the seat to the end of the footwell is the same, I’m not sure why that space being taller would mean it’s more cramped.
Totally possible, but I just mean to say that each iteration seems to be snarling more and more, and Kavanaugh is the most prominent snarler of the moment, no?
They say in the ad copy that they are attempting to show its luggage room and that it has a folding rear seat. I’m not sure what else you want them to do here.
Raise what $1? You actually think the $419 excuse is legit? 420, 419, whatever, it still wasn’t based on anything factual.
Sometimes I regret buying a pickup instead of an SUV, but then I see stuff like this.
I’ll take a Sentra rental over a Jeep Renegade rental any day. I’m not saying Sentra is a great car relative to other econo compact sedans, I’m saying it’s better than econo compact CUVs.
Those people should get a Corolla.
Those people should buy a Camry, and yeah, don’t buy a used Nissan.
No, but why does something have to be impressive to be useful for 3 years of flogging the shit out of a car?
How does making something taller make it shorter in length tho? I get that the taller seating position allows your leg to sit more comfortably at 45 degrees, but if anything that should make the demands for legroom less, yet I fee more crammed in SUVs than in sedans generally.
Most of the segment is pretty bad int his regard. I was generally characterizing the whole lineup. The Altima and Maxima make up for the Sentra relative to their respective price points/segments.
A Maxima hold together just long enough for a 39 month lease. I can attest that it can even do this under very hard driving.
Yeah, had all that shit in the Outback my wife had before this Legacy, and I still feel way better about my delicate groceries being back there. I guess that could also be a function of suspension. The Outback was bouncy while this Legacy is silky smooth.
And another thing! Trunks are nice, if I go to the grocery store I’m taking my wife’s Legacy. Your groceries are just safer and more cozy in the trunk.
I have absolutely no doubt that, as fashion does, things are going to swing back to the sedan. Not like the 60's Impala days of sedans, but better than they are now.
Yeah, that’s where I got most of my early driving in. We had some family property that had a s-10 work truck with a manual and some how a LSD. From about 12 to 16 I’d spend summers and christmas break putting on 50-100 miles a day all on private dirt roads. Destroyed the truck and the roads in the process. Had to fix…
Had an uncle that would let you start driving his Audi on back roads at around age 7 all the time. My cousins, brothers and I all thought is was the shit til fast forward today he’s letting our kids drive cars and tractors and the like and we’re all like NO FUCKING WAY!