You got this one wrong, just edit the article.
You got this one wrong, just edit the article.
Incorrect, there most certainly are LCDs manufactured for use in automobiles that have different heat and shock tolerances than other consumer LCDs.
It’s been a while, but I just saw something new and interesting on the internet that wasn’t also horrifying. Bravo.
The idea that Alienware is overpriced is pretty dated. It’s actually pretty bargain basement these days. As far as desktops go you can’t build your own system for cheaper, and while yes, a few brands deliver similar spec laptops for a little less, sometimes, the Alienware stuff tends to cool better, last longer and is…
The idea that Alienware is overpriced is pretty dated. It’s actually pretty bargain basement these days. As far as…
Nothing instills confidence in a disgraced plane than slapping something on top of something else. I can’t believe how many times I was excited to learn my flight was on a Max model, mostly just on account of modernity and it not being a plan from the 80's, only to find out that excitement was woefully misplaced.
Apple didn’t coin the term “smartphone”. Many smart phones existed before the iPhone and were called as such.
The “E” at least indicates something tangible. The “i” just what marketing departments in the early 2000's, even outside of Apple (e.g. Toyota’s I-Force V8) came up with to tell you something was new. Toyota, perhaps inspired by Boeing, has filed trademark applications for I-Force Max for their upcoming Tundra generati…
Get The Sixes cheaper directly from Klipsch here:
Get The Sixes cheaper directly from Klipsch here: You can get these directly from Klipsch for $499. Sloppy work, guys! You can get these directly from Klipsch for $499. Sloppy work, guys!
I’m 6'7" the wife is 6" my kid is 8 so I know very well what a big-ass 5 year-old looks like and that’s too big. Also, I can’t imagine that’s a Lincoln interior, either. Did they just use a photo (creepily de-faced) of some other random kid stop? Or is this a giant child in a terrible Lincoln?
This is getting so damn grizzly.
I don’t own this, I just want to chime in in support of coffee making investment. I have a $1,500 Jura espresso maker and its easily provided that much in value and more to me in the past 5 years and I’ll have it for many more. If this purchase will stop you purchasing 4-5-dollar lattes that produce a bunch of trash,…
I don’t own this, I just want to chime in in support of coffee making investment. I have a $1,500 Jura espresso…
Well, on a reassuring and depressing front, those folks normally couldn’t afford new cars anyway!
LOL, yep, I drive a Tundra these days (I’m 6'7", I have needs), but I’d happily get back into this sort of truck configuration again. The Colorado/Canyon twins do a pretty good job, just a little too car-like for my tastes. Give me a big nasty V8, an LSD, no ESC, and some rain. I’d pay $50 right now to drive my old…
I had a 2004 V8 dakota with an limited-slip rearend. For a truck, it drove incredibly well. Not sure I’ve ever been quite as comfortable in a car on long road trips either. That said, when I traded it in after on 2-3 years it was already falling apart.
It not just that the stopped developing their product. Every single Nissan advertisement in every single medium I’ve seen them over at least the past 10 years has been the opposite of effective. The Star Wars edition Rogue? It seems like management at every level of the company was actively tanking the bitch.
I can’t wait to read the sordid tale of what the hell happened here when it all comes out. I know the basic details that are public, but how did a smaller French car company basically take control of Nissan while giving up way less of their stock in the merger and then proceed to destroy not just a car company, but a J…
I remember refuting your statement, and I’m here in the future looking back on my correctness with great satisfaction.
I think that commentary would have to be rooted in a rose-tinted nostalgia for older Subarus. They just never made that reliable of cars, just cars that stayed on the road for a long time. Not always one in the same. They’ve always made a durable car, but not necessarily a reliable car. Way too many of them from…