Money Hustard

In this metaphor I’m a Unitarian Universalist.

Why would you not include those two recreational drugs?

Having that massive diff in the back does in fact assist in 1st gear. It’s the shortest 1st gear I’ve ever had in a vehicle. You can’t feather the throttle lightly enough in 1st gear going 5 MPH to not throw everyone’s head back. And yes, it’s a lot to do with engine and transmission tuning. I think it’s the main

Yeah, and good luck finding a 6.2 with the color and options you want. I help friends car shop a lot and I’ve been amazed at just how hard it is to get a 6.2 with what you want on it.

Throttle response does not equal 0-60 acceleration. Also, GM and Ford’s offerings are only faster to 60 if you select the 6.2 V8 for GM or the 3.5 EcoBoost for the Ford. A majority sold are slower than the Tundra. I drove them all within a day of each other, I know of what I speak.

Well Tundras outrank Camaros by a long shot in depreciation every single year. In fact, only Wrangler and Tacoma outrank it. My truck had an MSRP of 44K, was a dealer demo and was only 3 months off the truck when I got it. Can’t really compare the two scenarios.

As a ‘15 Tundra owner I get this a lot. All it takes to end the discussion is just hand someone the keys and let them take it for a spin. Feels like a truck, which some people like and some people don’t. The 4.33 rear end and the engine out of a Land Cruiser make for a very response to the throttle compared to

The ones we get are a modified version, safe for Americans.

I bet people with snowmobiles are really miffed at Florida too! 

You do care. Which is why you responded. And I didn’t jump “in here at the end for no reason.” There was a very specific reason, which was to let you know you had done poorly here. 

Oh the idiotic out lash of 7 consecutive defensive posts really punctuates this sad display of internet commenting. None of what you did here was good or defensible, I want to be sure you know that.

uh yeah, a little too goo

Yeah, let’s be sure to go with that rather than pretend the Boomer generation didn’t fuck this country into the ground, that’s a good plan.

If another 9/11 happened I’d be fucking pissed our lawmakers didn’t make room for organizations like the NSA, CIA and FBI to do their jobs, and that those organizations didn’t use the resources they had to protect us.

I guess in this case you are saying the “older generation” is all generations that came before the current one that’s your age. In this conversation, I think it’s it’s pretty obvious that the older generation is the generation (Baby Boomers in this case) that are in the process of handing the reigns off to the younger

Uhhh, so is that why every time I was in a meeting with a 60-year-old trucking exec they bemoaned all of those things as the downfall of the industry?

Yeah, I patreon’d the guy for a year or so, but he wasn’t getting better. He was driving cars constantly and wasn’t getting better for it. It’s disappointing and yeah, totally takes me out of wanting to listen to his insight because if he doesn’t know the basics, who the fuck is he to wax philosophical on the issue?

Again, as a concept, libertarianism is beautiful, but people are shitty, and every day decide to hurt others to get theirs. It ignores the fact that if let lone, people turn into complete savages. Not when things are going good, mind you, but the second they go bad. And things always go bad, at least for a little

All parties think they are concerned about “our liberty and our rights” but the way most popular libertarian platforms propose doing so isn’t practical.

The older generation seems to assume every problem can be fixed by just deregulating the crap out of it and hoping amateurs can fix it (See: the past 50 years of the trucking industry).