Money Hustard

“It amazes me (with disgust) that your username is allowed.”

Really good point, either that or the dudes up front are offensive linemen in the NFL-sized people.

Nothing positive is happening in that photo.

In case you forget.

Bad interior? pfff You can always get a sweet wood trim kit for it.

Neutral: Yes, but I’d wait until the 2nd generation of the product, as I do with all Apple products.

This is roughly what would happen in real life if you suddenly introduced jet packs.

Had a good friend die in a Rodeo rollover. Took a lot to find the humor in this, but I got there.

The regulations cut into the trucker’s pay. It’s a pay issue. If the truckers were getting paid enough they wouldn’t mind being told they have to not work long hours and do more paperwork.

This is a a dated perception. Their interiors got really nice and supple. Still a few hard plastics, but only where they make sense.

It’s a good policy. I normally finish the week strong, but a between a crazy work week, getting a back epidural yesterday (they shoot you full of fentanyl so you don’t freak out when they directly stab your nerve) and the fact they do kind of look similar simply threw me.

uhhhhhhhhgggggg, Friday afternoon......

I think the problem was how abrupt a step up the 458 was.

Yeah, I guess that last part is expecting too much.

I get that, but I feel like you should hold yourself to the standard that you’re actually going to add a thought, joke or info to the conversation?

Why do you think this was the biggest problem of my day? I’m just asking why you are spamming the comments section of a site I like with pointless comments.

So they are adding nothing to the convo to intentionally manipulate Kinja comment ranking system. I wasn’t calling them out, I was just curious, but now that I’ve heard your answer I do sort of feel like that’s crappy behavior.

I’m curious, because this behavior has been standing out to me recently. What do you believe the purpose of your comment was? You already starred the comment and the original commenter has been notified. So what do you believe that your comment does to add to the conversation?

For the record, not at all upset, it just filled my head with many thoughts.

Someone needs to take a chapter from the Jesus Diaz Kinja Manual and get a burner account.