Money Hustard

Thank you, I should have just stayed fully away from this thread. Why was I even reading an article about the Veloster? I have a problem.

Rich motorsports history

OHHOHOHO! FUNNY MAN! You were saying untrue thing to get their goat? You must be some sort of comedy genius.

I have a Tundra, this feature gets used a lot. However, it can’t be cheap to manufacture. One of the reasons I think Toyota can offer this is how simple the Tundra line up is. One wheelbase length, and just three cab/bed combos.

I have a similar unit from greenworks. Won’t knock your socks off, but if you occassionally need a pressure washer, it’s a nice compact solution. All the pressure you need to properly wash a car.

I have a similar unit from greenworks. Won’t knock your socks off, but if you occassionally need a pressure washer,

You should look into what their mandate actually is. It’s not to look for drugs and money in the first place. It’s to keep transportation safe. They are supposed to refer anything they happen to find to local authorities, however, they had no probable cause to screen this bag in the first place.

They shouldn’t have stopped him in the first place as he wasn’t viloating any of the TSA’s rules. They were just taking it open themselves to try to get this guy in trouble, despite it not being anywhere in their job description to do so. By wasting resources on trying to screen for drugs there are less resources to

They are trained and ordered to look for stuff like that, they aren’t however supposed to screen for drugs in absence of any other credible threat. The TSA agents involved were just trying to be narcs.

This is the TSA’s fault. They aren’t supposed to screen for drugs but for some reason were trying to do the DEA’s job. This isn’t on Chen, it’s TSA agents trying to be super cops.

The TSA isn’t supposed to screen for drugs. They wasted their own time here.

If they didn’t overstep their mandate and try to do the DEA’s job this wouldn’t have distracted them. But they were trying to play super cop when that’s not what taxpayers are paying them to do.

Like a genie’s wish, you need to be careful when you say “jesus take the wheel.”

When was news media not doing this? Was there a time period when this wasn’t exactly what most publications did? You basically just described what they teach you to do in Journalism classes like it was somehow not exactly what they are supposed to do. Even the RS article wasn’t the source material, it was edited from

You shouldn’t comment on things. Your comments are bad.

Yeah, no I get it, but there’s not a time where the great sense of smell really comes in handy. Slightly useful in cooking and finding where the weed is at at a party. Other than that it makes me a pretty annoying person to be around.

The good sense of smell is annoying. I didn’t know until I was about 25 that most people don’t smell nearly every human they come into contact with.

Oh great, that’s right JLD has fucking cancer, fuck. This reminder did the opposite of cheer me up.

I’ve noticed a funny thing about this sentiment. It’s often expressed by those enjoying the most privilege, and don’t realize how much more fucked they’d be if they were a person of color. Just because some white people are even more privileged than you doesn’t mean you don’t still enjoy favored position in your

Because American car companies don’t know how to provide that experience. When it comes to selling things, if corporate can’t get their shit together, you have no chance.

Oh I totally get the taxes and regulations are onerous too, but that’s not what’s at issue here. Dealers and buyers have wronged each other so much and often in the US that neither side can bare to make the experience pleasant and professionally conducted.