
>No good deed goes unpunished.

You’re against SHOWING PEOPLE the truth about drunk driving? Putting the fuckers on camera to demonstrate how dangerous it is would be a public service. Or are you afraid of finding out that the stoners can drive just fine?

That’s funny that you call racism a “progressive bug-a-boo”. You seem like a real piece of shit.

Go fuck yourself, bigot.

Do you really think there’s a big difference between Dukes and Hellman’s? I needed to eat them side by side to tell, so it's negligible to me

LOL, “easy”.

Dude if you have a starter you have INFINITE AMOUNTS OF STARTER. You can do both. I use mine in pizza dough most often

FYI: words and phrases have agreed-upon meanings. If you don’t know what one means, LOOK IT UP before making TWO dumbass comments on the internet.

FYI: words and phrases have agreed-upon meanings. If you don't know what one means, LOOK IT UP before making a dumbass comment on the internet.

Wet ass-pussy

Not all girls squirt, or even want to.

So you would have no problem ordering Black People's Fried Chicken from the Korn Kob Kitchen? After all, it's just food!

So if they never claimed Korean food, and advertised "Asian" food, there would be no problem?

Yes, making fun of kids for what they eat is bad. No one is disputing that. But the eventual ACCEPTANCE of that food is bad too now? Fuck off, that makes no sense.

Everybody sucks here. I don't see any winners

From the article you didn't read:

I see you didn’t bother reading the article you’re complaining about, otherwise you would have read this:

Not affected *as much*

If you want to be more ignorant, just drink some lead paint.

Oh okay so let's not bother trying to reduce pollution then. Very smart thinking!